Coz: Can you Drink the Water?

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Ft. Lauderdale area
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500 - 999
OK, guilty as charged with asking the ultimate, cliche', ugly-Gringo question, but, after surviving some environments very threatening to soft American digestive systems over the years by doing the no-ice-in-soda, no-fresh salads, no unpeeled-fruit routine, it's always nice to know.
So...what's the word on Coz? Thanks for the input and for putting up with what for some would be an insulting question.

Especially in Mexico, gringos will get sick if they drink the water. Coz is no different.
I have always used the bottled water. There was another post on here somewhere indicating that there is a single treatment plant for all of the island.

Better to be safe than sorry and stick the th bottled.
The large and better hotels are supposedly safe, but why run the risk...Be especially careful when you go to smaller restaurants etc.
A scuba gringo who once got sick in Coz
:no: Don't. And brush your teeth with bottled water. And bring some Immodium. I know what of I speak.
A real good case of turista is something I would not wish on my worst enemy OR his dog.

I strongly suspect they use water from Mexico as a purgative for people who get routine colonscopies. :D
I guess I'm just dumb and lucky, because we just got back from staying at the Brisas in Coz and drank the water in the resturants and brushed our teeth with sink water and have had no problems.
Yes, of course you can drink the water! Just consider it a mild to severe laxative, because it will cleans your lower intestines of all debris, with the added bonus of leaving God-only-knows what kind of bacteria in there, to stay. A few places in Coz can filter the water somehow to make it drinkable. We ALWAYS drank bottled water. Even brushed our teeth with it. At restaurants, they completely understand that most people want bottled water, so they open it in front of you. Go to the market and buy a bunch of smaller waters, we did. Do not take a chance, you will get sick. Many people still manage to get sick who take every precaution/ preventative measure. The locals even know better, but their systems can handle the water much better...Our advanced open water instructor did not fluch the toilet completely, and when I went in the restroom behind him, I realized that not ALL locals have digestive adaptation to the water. Something was wrong with him let me tell you...Don't chance it!

My rules, which have been successful for many Coz visits:

When drinking water, make it bottled water.

Brush teeth and rinse brush in bottled water.

Keep mouth closed in shower and pool.

Don't bite fingernails.

Rinse limes in bottled water before putting wedges in gins and tonic, Likewise tomatoes before slicing into sandwiches.

Be cautious with Immodium. Part of the diarrhea dynamic is your body desperately trying to get rid of something; sometimes Immodium can help with the short term inconvenience and make you sicker in the long run.

The ice is fine. The beer is fine. Mostly, the food and drink in the restaurants is fine, but I personally avoid ground beef since a friend got an e. coli infection from a burger on Coz.

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