Coz Bugs

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Lisbon, Portugal

I'm heading to Cozumel after Xmas for one week of diving. Being my first time there I'd like to know if there are mosquitos or, even worst, "noseeums" at this time of year.

Reccomend you take DEET insect repellent with you. We encountered biting bugs only in the after dark. Not intolerant, just uncomfortable.
In January and November of this year, and while I had no problems with skeeters or sand-bugs, the flies were horrible at the Reef Club. But then, the way the handle food there, they could have their own colony in production.

Anway, it's always a good idea to carry repellent. I keep a can in my room, and a second in my dive locker, then take one on any side trips.

have fun!! don
I guess I'm just lucky or something, because in multiple trips, at various times of year I've never had a bug problem, either in town or at the hotel (La Ceiba, El Presidente, PLG, or Scuba Club Cozumel).

OTOH, I wish I had used some DEET before going to the cenotes on the mainland.
Becareful with DEET. Don't use 100%- it will eat a hole in anything! (including my camera- ouch!)
Becareful with DEET. Don't use 100%- it will eat a hole in anything! (including my camera- ouch!)

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) strongly suggestes skeeter replellent with DEET - the stronger the better, but that's because it last longer.

If you're going 3 or 4 dives a day, you're going to rinse it off anyway, so the weaker solution will last from after dive to next dive. Just use it more often after you finish for the day, especially after dark.

:grip_n_ri don

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