So I write to you first handed because this happened to me. I came back to Aruba from the US and tested Poss for Covid. I have all 3 shots and have covid 2 times before the shots. So I asked Bonaire what I need to do. I had my Bonaire trip already booked for Jan 6. Bonaire sent me a nice e-mail and said. The rules have changed for you, if you have been poss for covid. Aruba made me quarentine for 5 days. Then I was free to go, if my symptoms were gone. They were. So Bonaire said you need to go to the Health Dept and get a letter saying you are recovered and don't have any symptoms. So I did that. Then they told me, if you do a PCR test anytime after having covid, you are going to test poss. So they then allow you to take a antigen test and if you get a neg 24 hours before you arive, then you are good to go. But thats from Aruba. I believe from the States, its 48 hours. But when you fill out the health app and check that you have had covid in the last 8 weeks, they make you download the cert from the health dept and all your vaccines. So a really smart thing to do, is go get tested 10 days before you come. If you have had covid in the past 8 weeks and maybe didn't even know it, you will test poss. So do the quarentine deal and test with antigen and you will be able to come. If you wait until the day or 2 before you travel, and you test poss, the trip is over for you. Thats just my 2 cents!!! Aruba really gave me a rough time because I never had a PCR. So I showed them the e=mail from Bonaire and I had to talk my way thru 3 supervisors, but I made it to Bonaire. But being here for 6 weeks was well worth all of the trouble. When I got to Bonaire and showed them all the paper work, they never said a word. Just: I hope you enjoy Bonaire.