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i wish for health good family life and to sell my house.

Welcome to the forum! This thread is one of our word games. Read a few posts. The purpose of the game is to corrupt the previous wish.

Such as, 'Wish I had more time to dive.'

The responses could be, 'Granted, you got fired, but now you can't afford to dive.'
or, 'Granted, you have to send your gear in for servicing, and due to your LDS's screw-ups, the put it into their rental gear.'
Which I hadn't gotten laid off.

Well okay. Being an inventor, you managed to disrupt the space/time continuum in such a manner that you never got laid off, but that has interrupted the series of events which would have resulted in a way cooler, better job if you'd left the universe to its own devices. (you never know, it could happen)

I wish stuff around my house would stop requiring maintenance.
Granted, the car is stolen and all the plants get a blight, causing you to have them removed from "around your house".

Wish I lived in Florida, the peninsula in the southeast U.S. (I've played this game for a while. Don't want to end up in Florida, Afganistan....)
Granted. The day you move to Florida (yes, the real one in the U.S.), an incredibly fun, remarkably well-compensated job opens up at your previous employer. Your now ex-coworkers all shake their heads saying, "Wow, this would have been PERFECT for _____________!"

I wish it was possible to win the lottery without playing it.
It is, called the numbers racket, you have a choice, Ricker's Island or Witness Protection.

Wish I could stop the blood diamonds, and the conflicts.
Granted - but then you awoke :D

Wish the crazy preacher dude would make up his mind about the whole Koran thing!
Granted, he 'realizes' he's the new prophet, and wants to burn all religious texts.

Wish you could just beat the crazy out of idiots like this.
Granted. And the cops look the other way.

Wish the Somali Pirates woudl wise up and quit hijacking ships.

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