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Wish granted, ohmdiver changed his avatar to a familiar helicopter.

I wish one of Pelagicsal's students would stick a whoopee cushion on her seat before she sits on it?
Wish granted, but it's April Fools Day and I expect something like that, find the w. cushion and slip into your chair while you aren't looking!

I wish I did not have car duty this morning!
Boy! Car duty is the pits, and that wish is never granted, but I never imagined it was a game killer....

I wish everyone would come play.
Granted but none of us have bathed in a week and your stuck with the smell!!!

I wish Puddle of Mudd would hurry up and come back to minnesota.
Granted...but they have changed their name to "Puddle of Poop" poor hockeynut doesn't find out why until hes in the mosh pit.

I wish everybody hated Puddle of Poop as much as I do, maybe then they would take them off the radio.
Granted but now all you can listen to on your radio is show tunes.

I wish that I had more time to have some fun.

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