Cookout at Twin Lakes, Nov. 8th...whose coming?

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near Houston, Texas
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We talked about this a few weeks ago. I had really hoped the weather would be cool so we could have a good bonfire but the weeks forcast is highs in the mid 80's and lows in the upper 60's. One forcast has even mentioned 30% rain next Saturday!

The plans are to dive Sat. morning and early afternoon. Around 4pm we can start the charcoal in the grill(s) and start cooking. I figure we'll eat around 5-6pm. Everyone bring your preferred meat and whatever particulars you need and we'll share the grill(s). Plus bring a potluck dish. I'm not going to even try to coordinate food. Every time I do someone doesn't show up with something we need so bring your own stuff...plates, utencils, paper goods, etc. The main thing is to get together to dive before it gets too cold and to visit before we scatter for the winter.

Oh yeah...the water temp was 73º on Friday. Major thermocline was at 40ft but it was getting dark! The lake is getting ready to turn over so viz is down again but it's still wet!

Some of you may remember Linda Jorgeson, she's a Swamper she just doesn't get on the board much. She's bringing her kayak, maybe two, so maybe we'll have kayak races. Tempting, ain't it? :D

Hope to see you all there. :thumb:
Sounds like fun. Maybe if I start planning now, I can make it. I'll see if I can find a dive partner for the day. I have a new BC and regs. Not worried about the regs but it will be my first time using a back flotation BC, so I may need a buddy that will be a little patient.
Cant make it will be in Chicago at a wedding
I now have a 5 mil suit. If Beast or anyone else plans on keeping on diving, let me know as i can now come out.
Sounds like fun. I'll try and be there but since I've been diving almost every weekend I think the other half may have some objections.

I showed up this last Sat. Steve F was there and we made a couple of dives. The water is still pretty warm 73 at 33'. Wore a 3 mil and I had no problems staying warm. I didn't notice any Thermo but we stayed in light. Vis could have been better but then again thats always the case as divers go. We wish for better vis but glad for what we we have.

I'm planning on starting/taking my DM class in Jan (burrr) so I'm going to try and keep diving right on through the winter.

Beast dives all winter long so just let him know when you're going to the lake. I'll have the hot chocolate!

I'll be there! Not sure if I'll be able to dive - regs are in for their "yearly maintenance".

Look forward to seeing you guys there!
I would sug to bring your dive stuff. With all the divers I'm sure someone would let you use an extra one.

I don't think I've met you yet but I have a USD SEA4 set your more than welcome to use if I make it out. It has less than 20 dives tot and was serviced this year. I keep a complete guage/octo/computer setup on it just incase my normal reg set has a problem.


Thanks for the offer. I just might take you, and him up on that. Both of you would be a good sorce for tips on DM training as well.

Speaking of Beast I saw a guy at my son's church the other day that could've been his twin, dew rag and all. I didn't go in and my son wasn't sure who the guy was. Don't s'pose the beast was near Katy the other week was he?
No, he wasn't near Katy but this isn't the first time I've heard of someone who looks like him in that area. Spooky, huh?

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