Finally got all the bits to do some of these, I did two one blue and one yellow, bought the shells from someone that took the LED modules out of some eLED SL4's to put into some halycon scouts, so I got two one blue one yellow.
I used the R2 modules from deal extreme and one of their 2 packs of two 35mm reflectors. The reflectors just fit, it's a little tight and I had to bevel the edge of the plastic case to get them to fit in right but they fit fine. Here's some photos.
Photos compare the 26.5mm to the 35mm reflector. I bought the $9 R2 modules and took them apart and put the parts in the 35mm reflector. I was hoping I could just unscrew the pill from the 26.5mm and screw it into the 35mm but that didn't work out as the thread size was different so I had to unsolder the parts and remove the LED w/ it's board and move everything over to the other pill. Works great though, was going to try to take some beamshots. It has about the same width as the Xenon modules that I have for these lights, but much brighter.