Yes, I agree. Familiarizing oneself with new gear under controlled conditions is of course the first few steps. Personally I'll be hitting our nice deep pool for some quality playing time. Once I am convinced I have it totally nailed to my satisfaction I'll be looking for someone experienced out here on SB in my area, who dives dry, and who would not mind meeting a drysuit noob for a few support dives to iron out the kinks. Then I'm off to Catalina Island at Casino Point for a few relatively easy dives. After that, well we'll see.In my previous post I said that I had no difficulty adjusting to the drysuit. I should mention that I did 5 dives in a quarry and was fairly comfortable with the bouancy before attempting a fresh water cold temp wreck dive. I wasn't suggesting that anyone should dive dry until they have a couple of controlled environment dives under their belt. If you don't have the chance to dive in a quarry or similar environment with divers you kow and trust to 'keep an eye on you' then by all means Take The Course.