Thanks for the info Woodman. I'm glad you found out about the 8ppm tank (2ppm tank too) and didn't dive it. I've never been to Reef House, but have heard good things about them. I'm a CocoView gal myself 

Well, just got back from a fantastic trip to Reef House on Roatan, and I took my spanking new Pocket CO2 Scuba unit with me. Mike (the resort owner) had been gracious enough to hunt down a set of high pressure steel 100cf tanks for me, as I am the original airhog, and these tanks all had bright yellow paint on their top ends. Not sure where he borrowed them from, but they had CCR marked on the top where they were painted yellow. Anyway, the first tank I tested read 2ppm, which is not bad, I guess. They had two of those tanks set up on the boat for me, however, and when I tested the second tank, I got 8ppm.:shocked2: Yipes! I retested it a couple of times, and got nearly the same thing each time. Testing atmospheric air off the front of the boat read 0ppm, and testing the tank again got me 9ppm. I told Mike, and he grabbed the tank and vented it right there on the dock. He got me another yellow topper, and this one was good. I never found another tank which was a problem the entire time I was there, although I admit that I slacked off on testing after awhile, The only thing I can think of was that the tank came pressurized from the original owner, and that's where the problem was. Mike's operation was clean though, and he gave excellent fills with nearly every tank. Spooky stuff, nonetheless. Woody