The southern hotel zone has the real beach but is isolated so the resorts are all inclusives. In town you get a mix of all inclusive to no meals included & lots of great restaurants but not always close by depending on location of resort / hotel. North of town has some beach but limits choices in dive ops who pick up at or near where you're staying so a car or taxi becomes needed. Many dive ops let you dive your air until it may become a deco stop problem because you use so little air. Very few of us can outlast the DM so if you're really good with your air you & the DM will surface after every one else had to. Rarely will you hear of a cleanliness problem in Coz so that one's likely a non issue.
If I'm doing this right (I'm relatively new to Flickr) this link will get you to my property tours & Coz related albums.
ci_copo’s albums | Flickr
If it doesn't work as is copy & paste should work.