Sorry for going partially OT. I need a clarification on these not-metric measures.
Here in Europe, a 10 mm screw, when measured, has a diameter of... 10 mm!!
Those "imperial" measurements in inches, instead, are quite unclear to me.
Let's start from the standard port for LP and HP hoses. In most regulators, the LP port is declared to be 3/8", and the HP port instead is declared to be 7/16".
Measuring them with a digital caliper I get these diameters:
3/8 => 0.36" (it should be 0.375)
7/16 => 0.42" (it should be 0.4375)
So we are almost there...
On the other side, I went to a local hardware store, and asked for a 3/8" nipple, and I got this object here:
View attachment 560933
Which has a diameter much larger, approximately 0.656".
So I am not understanding: the measurements in inches used here in Europe for compressed air, gas or water connectors seem to be completely unrelated to the measurements in inches used for regulators.
Can you explain me what's the difference?