I was at the Casino Dive Park on Saturday. Conditions were fine other than a growing surge. The vis was not too bad 35’ or so depending on student activity. My computer registered 58 deg at 61’. Entering was OK, tide was going out, however after a 45 min dive, the tide was much lower. The surge was just exposing the last step. My lovely bride was assisted out by a very nice guy that was starting a class. (Thanks again to you!) I handed her my camera and then began the most clumsy exit made by any human. I was Maytag’ed, complete with a wash, rinse and repeat. Combine low tide, surge, wakes from two vessels, one bad knee and coming in on the wrong side and you have just an inkling of what it was like. After several attempts I finally made my exit.
On the plus side the dive was great. I spent ten minutes video taping a persistent juvenile garibaldi that was enthralled by my wife taping two rocks together. We also had a large calico bass follow us around for most of the dive. No matter where we went, he was right there with us.
The second dive sans camera went fine, a little more surge and my exit was uneventful. All-in-all we had a fun time.