Computer advice

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Dang tbone, I hate practical, common sense advice when I want to buy toys. lol

That sounds like great advice. I'm going to spend a little more time looking into the DG03's tonight. My Gekko is a PIA to download dives from and like you said, I typically just get the info directly off of the DC anyway.

Either way, I want to wait a few weeks to see what's announced at DEMA.
DEMA isn't really the big showcase gear stuff and you aren't going to see anything come out that can oust the Petrel from its podium, or oust the DG03 on cost/performance basis.

Computers worth considering
Eon Steel=$1500, so twice the price of the Petrel, doesn't really get you anything.
Petrel=$850, $800 if you shop around, best all around value
Nitek Q= DRiS has them on sale for $500 which puts it in the middle of the Petrel and the DG03
xDeep Black= at $650 for Nitrox, you are in Petrel waters and the xDeep has had its issues recently

Other than that, none of the others are really worth looking at. Q and xDeep are one of those, you really can't swing that extra $200 so you compromise and get those, and the Eon Steel is just stupid. It's a nice computer, but at $1500 it's way too expensive and it still uses Suunto's weird RGBM algorithm, so there's that. You won't see the Petrel or the DG03 marked down for BF, IF the Petrel goes it'll be for $50 off, but it is unlikely.

None of the other companies are really in a position to do anything to compete with it. Shearwater is dedicated 100% to scuba electronics. Primarily in the form of rebreathers, but decompression is decompression whether it is based off of a fixed PO2 or a nonfixed PO2, the fact remains that Shearwater is focused on 1 thing and that is providing the best dive computer on the market bar none. Conveniently they do that, which is why most of the worlds leading rebreathers rely on Bruce and his team to make their electronics packages.
+1 for the Petrel.
- Easy to read (especially for older eyes like mine)
- Easy to use.
- New Rec mode works great until you go Tec.
- Accepts any AA battery you can find.
- Battery compartment O-ring same as DIN Reg.
- 1,000 hours of logged dive time.
- Bluetooth connection.
- Extremely well built (solid).
- Exemplary customer service.
Computers worth [-]considering[/-] mentioning as second place to the Petrel:
Eon Steel=$1500, so twice the price of the Petrel, doesn't really get you anything. other than headaches and negatives
Nitek Q= DRiS has them on sale for $500 which puts it in the middle of the Petrel and the DG03 garbage screen, garbage user and PC interface
xDeep Black= at $650 for Nitrox, you are in Petrel waters and the xDeep has had its issues recently absolutely no positives here. they're hard to get and have had a long line of failures

If you have the money for a Petrel, get the Petrel. It really is that simple. People always ask how I justify it to divers that aren't "using" it to its full capacity. There's a simple answer. Few if any computers get used to anywhere near their full capacity....but the reliability, performance, track record, and customer service on the Petrel means that all of the other things make it absolutely the best choice out there if you can afford it. If you can't afford it, get a DG03 and be happy with it until you can save up for a Petrel.

Seriously, you'll never not be happy with your Petrel.
+1 for the DG03. And, as others have said, use it until you can swing a Petrel, then you have a nice backup. Oh, and use the Aeris Elite T3 operating instructions...
Great advice and suggestions. I thank you all for taking the time to reply!

While $ isn't an issue, I don't want to spend $ unnecessarily or get too much DC. I think the Eon Steel fits that category...I don't need to spend $1,500 on a DC.

tbone, thanks for the info on DEMA. I haven't followed the show before and just assumed manufacturers would come out with new products.

I guess my main concern is that I bought a Petrel and they came out with a new model a few weeks later. When did this model of the Petrel come out? Has anyone heard they may be coming out with a new version any time soon? Do they release an update every 3-4 years, etc. Just not familiar with Shearwater's product cycle/deliveries, etc.

Leaning to the Petrel and using my Gekko in gauge mode.
I think Predator was Oct 2009, Petrel was sometime late summer of 2012? The important thing though is that the Petrel is almost identical to the Predator.... It has a new screen, smaller case, and can use normal AA batteries, but all of the interface things and the basic computer are basically the same. I wouldn't be worried about it getting replaced with anything radically different anytime soon, the Predator is certainly not obsolete just because the Petrel was released and many still prefer them because of the OLED screen that is slightly easier on the eyes for some of the older divers in murky water. The user interface is identical, and the only thing the Predator doesn't have is the rec mode that Shearwater just released this summer. Certainly not anything that would be cause that it will become obsolete.

Shearwater only changes things when they have to, they couldn't source the screen for the Predator anymore so they had to redesign, so they took the same design and made it slightly better.
no worries, Shearwater operates somewhat similar to Poseidon and Apeks instead of the rest of the scuba world. Poseidon has essentially had 3 designs of regulators *ignoring the Thor*. The Cyklon is all but identical to when it was released in 1958, and it still uses the same parts kit as it did back in 1958, they are all compatible. Same with the Jetstream, it has had a few different minor tweaks, but it is essentially the same as when it was released. The first stages have changed a bit, but there are still only a handful if them.

Apeks has had the same parts kits for all of it's second stages for the last what 20+ years? First stages have remained all but unchanged for the same time period, couple minor tweaks, but all basically the same as they were when they were released.

Changing is expensive and unnecessary when you have one of the best products on the market, you make small subtle improvements but as these companies are all premium brands they rely on repeat customers and word of mouth instead of huge advertising campaigns and releasing new products that are the latest and greatest thing rendering the old ones obsolete. Poseidon has had some iteration of the Cyklon 300 *the metal one* since 1958, and it is still selling now. It has gone through some major changes in the first stage department *Thank God!*, but the second stage is still the same because it just works.... Apeks is the same with their first and second stages, sure the XTX looks sexy and has the user changeable exhaust T's, and is now reversible, but the guts are still the same as the ATX series and the TX series before that which is at least 15 years old at this point. In contrast, how many different second stages do the rest of the market have with unique parts kits and all of that rendering the old ones obsolete or hard to find repair kits for, that's a great way to piss people off because their expensive piece of kit is now useless because of parts availability or lack thereof.

Shearwater doesn't want to create work for themselves, so they keep it simple, build the best damn computer in the world, and don't **** with it because you have a bad quarter or year and sales dipped and the marketing people say you need to bring the "wow factor" back to the consumers. Like I said, they redesigned the Predator for 3 reasons, 1st and foremost being they couldn't get the screen anymore, 2nd people wanted something smaller, 3rd they wanted to not have to use a weird irritating battery that not everyone would always have access to. The programming is still the same, the buttons are still the same, the overall look and feel is still the same, so the Predator isn't obsolete anymore, just had a facelift, same as the ATX going to the XTX from Apeks, no real functional improvements, just some nice tweaks to make it prettier and adapt to some market demand, but no need to reinvent the wheel.

This is why I support companies like Shearwater, Poseidon, Apeks etc, they aren't out to rip people off and they are still committed to the old school style of thinking. Unfortunately with Apeks being bought by Aqualung they are a bit harder to work with now *cough parts kits cough*, but the Brits are still sticking to their guns about the designs.

edit: sorry that was so long, it's a pet peeve of mine.... Also the little things like Apeks putting a yoke o-ring on the dust cap, or Shearwater making the battery O-ring a 112 DIN O-ring are the little things that tell you that divers are the ones making the decisions in these companies because it is all about the little things that make you go "huh, they really were thinking when they designed this". Sure they could have made that O-ring a different size to make it more optimal for the design of the unit, but the 112 O-ring is something every tech diver carries with them all the time so you never have to worry about some proprietary o-ring that you'll only ever use for your computer battery housing.
Man, C Dub that's the way I think I'm leaning. I don't see a good 2nd place option really. How long has the current Petrel been out? Anyone know when they are due for a new model or heard any news? I'd hate to make that big of a purchase only to have the new model come out the following month or two.

I am one of those who bought the Predator right before the Petrel came out. After a while I decided to get a Petrel, but there was really no reason to. If I had just kept on using the Predator I would have been fine. The Predator is just sitting around now, when it could be out doing outstanding work on dives for someone.

Dive computers are not like personal computers. They don't need to be replaced every other year. I bought my first computer in 1999. It is still working just fine. The algorithm hasn't changed. A friend of mine has it and loves it. It has all the features most recreational divers would ever want--maybe more. If you buy a Petrel and a newer computer comes out in a year or two, the Petrel will still be working fine for many years to come.

If you were to search other threads to see my normal advice for people who think they MIGHT go into tech some day, you will see that I normally say don't get a tech computer until you get some training and really know what you want. If, on the other hand, you really need a new computer and are willing to spend Petrel-type money, then that is the one to get.

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