Compass reading 180 degrees off???

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Maybe I missed it, but I didn't read where it swings 180 all of a sudden. The OP just states that by the time he's at 30-35 feet, it's 180 degrees around. It could have been a gradual movement during the descent.

This is what I read and how I interpreted it. When he said he watched it spin 180 off at 30 feet I took it to mean that it was fine, then at 30 feet it spun 180.

For the second dive in an alternate location, I made sure to face south and watch my compass on the way down. Interestingly enough, the compass repeated this problem on the second dive in a separate location. I actually watched it spin to 180 degrees off at 30 ft.

See, that's the part that doesn't fit with how magnetism affects compasses. It's never an all or nothing affair. There's got to be some binding or a bubble causing the above to happen, in any event I'd love to know what it is that does it.
I'm also going to get with the ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers) about the issue to see if there is any bottom composition (fill material in particular) that was used in the area of Aunt's Creek that is excessive with metal that would/might cause just such an issue in 2 locations 1/4 mile apart.

If there is even a remote possibility, they need the information as well as it will hinder any search/recovery or UW rescue operation that is conducted there. Once I have ALL of the info this weekend, I will let all of those who are in need know exactly what my findings were. Be it proper authorities, manufacturer, divers, LDS's, etc. So watch for the update sometime on Monday!
The Kraken:
A bubble will not have any effect upon the condition which the OP puts forth.

That which the OP states would have to be a manufacturing defect. And if this were the case, there would be hundreds, if not thousands of consumers reporting this particular phenomenon.

the K

A bubble will allow the case to collapse under pressure, jamming the needled at depth.
Been there.

I can't imagine any manufacturing defect that could cause the OP's symptoms. And
a manufacturing defact can affect a single sample.

This smells environmental, somehow.
Thanks everyone for posting up on this. It is definately a strange issue all together. I will be diving this Sat/Sun so I can post up on Monday the results of my "test" from Sunday's venture.

I will be taking at least 2 different brands of compass if not a 3rd on my backup reg. My Zeagle is a pop-out, so I can toss it in a pocket and go. Naturally, if there are issues with both compasses at the same time, then it is an issue with the general area and I will post up a notification for the exact area. GPS coordinates if one is available.
What were the results of your tests? Were you able to duplicate the problem?
I've had some screwey scheduling changes at graduations do that with us. As a result, I've been unable to dive for a bit. The last graduation is this weekend, so I should be back at Aunt's Creek very soon!

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