Commonly-agreed sign for TTS (Time To Surface) ?

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Reaction score
Belgium, Brussels
# of dives
500 - 999
Dear Community,

Recently, I have had a discussion about what sign should be used to communicate with your buddies during a deco dive: asking "what's your TTS" ?
(instead of asking about deco stops at X depth for Y minutes)
Is there a commonly agreed sign, which is not specific to this or that agency, or only known by tek divers ?

Thank you :)

4* CMAS/Lifras
Pinky finger followed by the time. Occasionally a circular motion with pinky to draw attention to the fact it's deco.

That or if your buddy is being dense just show them your perdix and point to the TTS/deco stops.
By default on a stop, I take a pinky to be the remaining time at the current stop. If I really wanted the entire TTS (though I've never needed to sign that), I'd probably try the pinky + several "next stop" signs.
By default on a stop, I take a pinky to be the remaining time at the current stop. If I really wanted the entire TTS (though I've never needed to sign that), I'd probably try the pinky + several "next stop" signs.
When we go for a deco dive (here rec dives often involve deco) and the buddies have dive computers from different brands and algorithms (e.g. OSTC, Shearwater, Scubapro, Garmin), it is common to have deco stops at different levels, e.g. deep-stop or not, with variations depending on GF or micro-bubbles personal settings...
The total ascent time is the most useful information in this scenario.
IMO, during the pre-dive briefing, it may be advisable to agree on a maximum TTS, rather than a fixed bottom time. And a way to signal it to the buddies when this time is close, or has been reached.
Someone recommended to show the fist on the dive computer. I find this ambiguous, as it can also show that we quit the no-deco dive.

Sorry for my English.
I never had training in this stuff but I just wave my flat hand horizontally over my head to indicate a ceiling exists. Then if necessary will show fingers for deco time with each finger representing one minute but we never have more than 10 normallly. That is the simplest intuitive signal in my opinion, but this was developed from Ignorance and without training I guess. Not sure where it comes from.

I would assume serious deco divers would show each other their computers and be able to read them.
The signal we use in our team to indicate TTS is taping palm of hand across the top of out starched fingers on the other hand twice for TT, then show fingers for amount of time.
By default on a stop, I take a pinky to be the remaining time at the current stop. If I really wanted the entire TTS (though I've never needed to sign that), I'd probably try the pinky + several "next stop" signs.
My buddy and I were trained to use the raised pinky -- looks like a "d" -- to indicate TTS.

To indicate stops at each level, we'd indicate it as follows:
  1. flat horizontal hand raised three times (indicate ascent to new level)
  2. number signs to indicate new depth
  3. flat horizontal hand moved back-and-forth horizontally (indicate hover)
  4. number signs to indicate stop time at new depth
IMO, during the pre-dive briefing, it may be advisable to agree on a maximum TTS, rather than a fixed bottom time.
Oh sure, if I were on the bottom, I'd just use the pinky to mean the TTS criterion, signing "deco"+"small" (time remaining). Similar for being close to turn pressure: "pressure"+"small", maybe followed by a number of estimated minutes remaining. (In my original reply, I meant I had never needed to tell someone that TTS was XX mins.)

Realistically, you'll discuss this in the pre-dive brief. I'd favor keeping the signage simple.

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