comments on the Tilos 1mm wetsuits?

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SouthEast USA
Was at one of the local quarries today and there was a large number
of people diving in 52f to 67f degree water wearing some "new"
Tilos 1mm wetsuit that was supposed to be as warm as a 3mm.

Anyone seen these or have them? Everyone there loved them.

one of the instructors wearing one said they were "closed cell neopreme"
that was what made them so warm.

I did a search on google, but could only find one company selling them.
Tilos's website doesnm't have a link that works to their wetsuits either.

so I'm thinking about buying one and just looking for comments.

... some "new" Tilos 1mm wetsuit that was supposed to be as warm as a 3mm.
A 1mm suit is as warm as a 1mm suit, a 3mm suit is as warm as a 3mm suit, etc. Fit is everything. There is no magic.

(There is no magic YET; someday, syntactic foams will come, or some super efficient, low energy method of heat generation, or something else truly effective.)

one of the instructors wearing one said they were "closed cell neoprene" that was what made them so warm.
All neoprene is closed cell foam. That's what makes it neoprene, as opposed to a sponge.

Caveat: there are different qualities of neoprene. Some do compress less under pressure than others, some are more flexible than others, etc. There are a variety of fillers and bonding agents used in the manufacture. Some may keep you warmer for a given thickness and weight than others. There is still no magic. And no "heat reflection" involved. Wetsuits insulate from conduction, plain and simple.

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