Cold In Minnesota

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I'm going to Cozumel the 1st week in April for our kids Spring breck and would like feedback on how the dive sites are shaping up. Any ones to avoid or any recommedations on ones that make it through without much damage
Welcome (Scub)aBoard! :happywave

it’s about time you surfaced here! :)

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Don’t forget to fill out your Public Profile (and Dive Info) on one of your next surface intervals so we can get to know you a little bit better. Besides, it will make it easier for us to answer your questions. Please, do add a Profile Pic. If you’re not in a particularly creative mood, you can have a look at my Public Profile for inspiration.

For not so local info, just follow the path or have fun along the way by clicking on any of the given links: ScubaBoard > Regional Travel & Dive Clubs > North America > Mexico > Cozumel.


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Welcome to ScubaBoard. I'm also from MN.
Welcome to the board!

Welcome...the city is recovering nicely...we were there for New Year's. And the reefs are starting to clear but they have lost almost all the sponges that made Cozumel unique. It is still pretty but just not as pretty as it was before the storm. You'll enjoy the dives as the marine life is present and abundant. Try diving Palencar Bricks and Gardens...I saw a few sponges under some overhangs there but that was the only place we saw them. Also the bricks are actually now viewable at Palencar Bricks. (Seems a ship carrying bricks spilled its load and dropped the bricks all over hence the name...and now the storm has uncovered them.)

Have a great trip and welcome to the board! -ww
Moved from Introductions & Greets forum.
We will be in Coz, at Hotel Cozumel 3/23 - 4/2. For some tasty updates checkout www.cozumelinsider or I am a first time Cozumel diver and frequently reading posts about SB members currently in Cozumel or just returned with positive feedback. Try Cozumel in the SB search window - enjoy your trip!!
Howdy and welcome to SB!

Good to have you here. Click here to PM me if I can help you get started in our various forums.

:cowboy2: don



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