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I got the EMC14 which is distributed here by H2O as the Fathom and Divers West has the software/cable for $175 last time I checked.
Thanks for the info nwbrewer. When I got mine, DAN was doing an offer to upgrade to nitrox and throw in the software for free. So I got one heck of a deal.

I got the DAN software deal too. Good thing to, 'cause I wouldn't be a happy person if I had shelled out full retail for the Analyst software. The user interface is somewhat lacking.

if you are gonna read the bikini thing you should also read this Cochran Undersea Technology

hope this helps.
with cochran computers, if you are looking for an air integrated one, then you want the GEMINI. if you are gonna dive nitrox now or later, order it with nitrox enabled....and if you get into tech stuff later, , you computer will be able to grow with you are yours skills and experience grows
Just when I was starting to calm down..........

It is my opinion, based on our experience here on Bikini, that the following computers are not suitable for the kind of diving we do on Bikini and are therefore NOT recommended:
All OCEANIC computers
U.S. Divers MATRIX
All SOURCE computers
Scuba Pro DC 12
Dive-Rite B'AIR
Cochran Nemesis and Commander computers [If you have a Cochran Computer, please read this]
Suunto Viper and Cobra
Dive Rite "C"

This is a quote that came from the Bikini Atoll Web Page, from the head divemaster. There are other reasons also as you can see from my previous post. Also my cave instructor said "NO" and that's good enough for me.

Welcome to Bikini Atoll


Not trying to start a trolling here...was in majuro over chrismas and the dive shop was freaked out that i was diving a cochran, supposidly (from cochran's web site) they claim that the diver in question has the conservativism set at 15. and he had to keep pulling the BATT out to get the computer to reset his nitrogen counter, but it keeps the 15% setting...
wow...ok...i feel i need to clear a few things up...first things first, Cochran hasn't produced the Nemesis, lcommander, ifegaurd or gemini PLUS since the mid 90's (roughly) there are new ones out that have been worked out. i could tell you a few stories...but that might be another day. currently. since everyone refers to the Bikin Site, the only ones that it tells you to NOT use there are the ones that haven't been produced in like 10 yeah, there might be some valid facts in some reliability areas...the ONLY current computer that they DON'T recommend is due to a simple "I don't like this thing" and has nothing to do with reliability.

Basically, what i am getting at is, that you should use the internet to research your questions, but turn on your filters and get quality information. not that there isn't good info on this board, because there certainly is. Talk to people who own the gear you are questioning, or who have at least USED the gear, not just I read this or my friend told me that.

Me personally, i have been diving my Cochran for about 5 years now...and love it, easy to use (to me...after reading the manual.....Imagine that) and is as conservative or as liberal as i would like...due to the programming features, i like 0% for more bottom time, but VERY rarely use it all....anyways, just my rant for this moment....I just hate all the bashing, it seems that even though EVERY manufacturer has produced somethign "less than stellar" only one or two get "remembered".....wierd....
Bikini Atoll is probably the most quoted reason for not using a Cochran and, I humbly suggest, is also probably the most ludicrous reason for not owning one.

Maybe I've missed the point, or perhaps I'm just a bit dull, so excuse me if I don't get all dewey eyed about diving in Micronesia, and stick to the more familiar, substantially less extreme dive sites of the Red Sea and the Med.

Most people do not regularly dive a million miles from civilisation off uninhabited, radioactive shores left by the American H Bomb tests in the 50's. They dive for fun. And if like me, they only get to use their Cochran on high days and holidays doing nice, safe, recreational diving, they will get years of reliable service.

I have owned my Commander for six years. It is substantial, well made, and easy to read. I've never had a moment of bad service, except once, when I forgot to switch it on before doing a negative buoyancy entry on Elphinstone. It can't calibrate the surface level if the depth is more than 1.5m within 30 secs of turning on, so it was down to my user error, not the unit's.

I doubt whether Mr Cochran was thinking about the extreme conditions (and divers) who can be found in the glowing depths of the Bikini Atoll when he designed his excellent range of recreational DC's. Even the most diehard sceptic can't help acknowledging that he's got his stuff sorted if he's now producing units for the US Navy SEALs.

In summary: If you're heading for the popular resorts, you probably could do a lot worse for your money than a Cochran. If you're going to the Atoll, take whatever they recommend (and let's face it, you can afford it!), and a lead bikini!
...given the collapse of Air Marshall Islands....and the resulting impending extinction of scuba diving Bikini Atoll...who really cares whether or not they 'like' Cochrans...they're 'dead-men-walking' as they say......
I have had a Cochran EMC-16 for over a year and 75+ dives. Carried it on two - week long dive trips. 25 dives in one week on the first trip, 27 dives in 8 days on the second trip. Taken it Ice Diving in 34F fresh water and into 80F salt water of the Bahamas. Never one bit of trouble, never a single worry.

Other DC's I have carried:

- Have locked up at depth. displaying 53' regardless of actual depth.

- Failed on the surface with a blank screen then woke up at 90' with a 50% Nitrox setting. (I was quite popular with the other divers with the incessant beeping on that dive)

- One ran a test mode for the whole dive. It displayed 10 feet to 140 feet in 10 foot increments every second.

They were my backups. The Cochran worked flawlessly as my primary and will remain so.
I just bought a EMC-20H.

A few reasons for my purchase...

1.) My instructor at my LDS dives it.

2.) I don't have to buy a whole new computer when I start doing different mixes (trimix, multi-gas dives, etc.) when I go tek.

3.) The U.S. Navy (SEALS too) dive it, and as a prior squid and current program manager for a Navy program, I know it's been through the ringer.

4.) I like how I can set my own conservatism with it, each DC is truly tailored to each diver.

5.) I much more prefer a wristmount after trading in my console (Sherwood Insight).

6.) Backlight function requires no button-mashing, which leaves me with my hands free for whatever task I'm doing underwater (reel work, navigation, etc.)

7.) Large display that shows everything relevant to your dive, rather than button-mashing through screens to get that one peice of information during your dive.

Hope this helps.

Safe diving,

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