Cleaning your gear

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Punta Gorda, Fl.
# of dives
500 - 999
Alright folks, what do you do and what do you use to clean your gear when you have a more, shall we say, memorable dive? I've tried contacting the manufacturers of our gear (sherwood, genesis, bare, etc), but haven't heard anything from them.

We get washed down by the fire department if the situation requires it. At home, I soak all of my gear in antibacterial soap for at least an hour, then scrub with a brush and rinse, then back in for a soak in sink the stink.

What's the strongest cleaner I can use with the gear, or is the antibacterial dish soap really enough?

At least my gear doesn't still smell like poop.
The gear that is used at the Long Beach Aquarium gets a 10% bleach solution rense to kill microbes when moving between exhibits. Viking has a good manual on diving in contaminated water which covers decon and I think Steve Barsky wrote a book on the same topic. Bleach is better than the run-of-the-mill anti-bactrial soap. Except for neoprene bleach should not damage your gear at the solution levels required to kill bad stuff.
10% bleach is what we use. Spray everything down, scrub and rinse off.
Has anyone used Easy Decon 200? We were at a DUI seminar last week and they were pushing this stuff pretty heavily. Apparently this kills things like hep A and E. coli instantly, breaks up fossil fuels, and will even kill anthrax (but takes 12 hours to do so).

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