Christmas Diving?

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Morning all,:coffee:

Well, I am free today thru tuesday evening if anyone interested in dive, but truck is developing oil leak and I don't want drive it out to lake to drip oil. May be able to borrow a vehicle, or anyone wanting a dive buddy bad enough to drive out to Dive World area to drag them out to lake and back give me a shout. May run up and rent a tank later today at dive world so will have it if chance to dive.

What I am really looking forward to is my new uw housing for my digital camera. Will finally be able to take some 'during' photo's, not just 'before' and 'after' :wink:

But it won't be in till after Christmas sometime, maybe not even till after new years :(

However, when it does you can bet I will be itching to get it wet. :D
We're still planning a Dec 26 dive to play with the new toys. We will be a bit later than planned however. Stephen and I did a night dive at Windy Point on Friday and Stephen froze his butt off. We're going to head over to Oak Hil Scuba Tueday morning to look at renting a farmer john top to try and warm him up. We'll propbably be out there around noon.
How was the vis friday? where on WP did you and stephen dive?
Looks like current temp is right at 60 from surface down to depth, few more degrees and surface will drop below temp at depth and lake will churn and burn for a bit, shooting vis to hell, if it hasn't started already.

At least rain has brought up lake a whole inch :) at least according to ltts
that means the water is about 3 inches closer out on point, and 1 inch closer along cliffs, so at least we will be saved that walk/climb :rolleyes:

so about 480 days of rain like this and lake will be full again :shakehead

Trying to find a ride out to meet y'all tuesday, so I won't have to put diaper on truck to keep it from oiling up the point. I will probably rent a hood when I get my tank, and bring along couple jugs of delicously warm water for w/s precharge and recharge, beats the hell out of warming the water up yourself:wink:. Especially if not all that warm at surface to begin with.
well, F$*# me, my suit still won't be in. Well, it should ship Dec 26th, so I'll be game once I get it. But for now, all I have is a 3mm and a hooded vest, which doesn't feel too great in the water at the moment.

you WWW :wink: :D

I'll be diving in a 4/3 with a separate hood, I dove last weekend in just 4/3 and booties, it was fine, although I stayed shallow and dive was short since was stuck solo. Just pour some warm water into that sucker before you get into travis and you'll be fine. It is only 60 degrees... Now if all you had was a shorty I could understand...

Current forecast for tuesday is sunny and 70, with a bit of wind, great day for sailing, good day for diving. Should be nice out on the point.
We dove out of Barstow's. Single dive - it was our first real night dive. Very cool. We had DM friend along to make sure we didn't do anything stupid. We dove with UK C4 lights, so we're REALLY looking forward to the 2 new UK C8 eLed Plus lights that Santa's leaving under the tree tonight.

Profile was straight down to 50-60' then south until we hit our gas turn around limit. Water temp was 58F at 60' according to the computer. Viz varied from 5 - 10 feet. At one point, I directed the light back to Stephen and the water looked crystal clear. I figured I was getting narced.

Stephen's 6' and 135 pounds soaking wet, so he has no "natural" insultation. He dove with a 5mil full suit with a 2mil shorty underneath and a hood. He said he was shivering cold from the minute he hit the water. Being 16 and invincible he didn't think to thumb the dive and stuck it out for 35 minutes. Were going to pick up a 6 mil farmer john top at the shop Tuesday morning and see if that helps him.

We should be out there around noon.
Looks like no diving for me today, no buddy and no transportation.:( With oil leak on truck I hesitate to drive it at all, I refuse to take it to Windy Point to leak oil directly into the lake. Should be getting new work truck next week or two, then will have reliable transpo while I do top end on toy and a few performance upgrades. Work van not as stylin' a ride a 4runner, but will do till summer when will want to be back in topless truck again.

Y'all have fun, make sure to take a big jug of warm water for stephen to precharge the suit with, it will make a world of difference not having to warm that initial surge of cold water into the suit. And a little bit left for warm up after get out doesn't hurt. Wish I could make it out, guess I'll take down lights and work on truck some between laundry loads instead.

Maybe I'll see y'all at Macks New years day dive instead, and there is always the SSASS at the County Line on the Lake coming up soon.

Sorry we're not going to see you out there today. With temps in the 30's this morning, we're going to delay for a few hours to let it get a bit warmer. Looks like a 1-2pm target now. We'll give the hot water pre charge a try too.

The family is taking a condo at Port A for the New Years, so we'll miss mack's dive. We will be at the SSASS.
Well, we're back. The dive was a moderate success. We had the whole place (Barstow's) to ourselves. Talked to Barstow about his plans to sell the place - he's looking for the ballpark of 10+ million for the place - 12+ acres with 1100 feet of prime Lake Travis waterfront.

The farmer john top worked for Stephen. 50 minutes of bottom time in 58 degree water and he didn't freeze. We'll be buying on of them for him pronto. On the down side - water was 58 degrees, and viz was <5 feet in most places. My new light worked great (new UK C8 eLed plus) but Stephen's (same light) crapped out within the first few minutes. We already returned it.

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