The inspiration has a checklist in their computers. That sounds really great, but I have seen people who just say ok, ok, ok, ok, ok and then in the water experience that they forgot the things that are mentioned in the checklist. So the checklist in the computer is great, but divers are also human, so can be lazy.
Diving old cells is also done a lot. Oh, mines are still working is said then. And if all cells are old, you don't find the problems when calibrating most times.
So not calibrating is done quite a lot by lazy divers, but diving old cells also.
Also not analysing gas is a thing that you still see. Oxygen, why analysing, it is just oxygen. I have had a divecenter filled my oxygenbottle with pure helium. I also have had a diluent that must be a 15/55 and was an ean50. I also got ean32 in my air diluent cylinder.
Even after more than 1000 hours on ccr, I still hate it when people are talking to me when I am building my unit together. I ask them to move away for only 10 minutes. For tomorrow my unit is already ready again, only the negative test must be done.