There's different levels of checking depending on the "phase" of the use:
- Build/analyse
- Close/check
- Turn on/get into kit
- Pre-jump/standing at the gate
1 and 2 may be done at the same time; may be split. These really suit a fairly comprehensive paper checklist using a a marking device, such as pencil or pen, and can form an audit/history trail of settings, e.g. cell millivolts, cell changes, other kit replacements, O-rings, etc.
3 can be done following an abbreviated checklist. Alternatively using a well-practised process (ceremony?).
For example:
- Kit up -- suit on, catheter and heating connected, fill pockets, gloves+hood+mask+fins in your special place...
- Bailouts -- move to donning position, turn on, breathe
- Stand and face the unit -- turn on the suit inflate and position the hose; position bailout connector hose; turn on dil and breathe to fire the ADV manually inject; turn on the oxygen, manually inject dil & O2
- Get in the unit -- hood, mask and fins on; untie the unit; climb in and buckle up (nothing caught); attach drysuit hose, open drysuit dump, inject; quick squirt into wing; attach heater connector; attach computer(s) on arms; turn on computers; mouthpiece in, breathe and dump through nose, change setpoint to 0.7 and check solenoid injects, manually inject O2 to get it above 0.8, start pre-breathe; check pressures; attach bailout(s) including BOV hose; gloves on
4 Pre-jump can be left to right check: bailout(s) connected and attached; suit dump open, inject suit; inject wing (have buoyancy); inject dil (quick squirt); inject oxygen (longer squirt) (can breathe); final check for fins, gloves, mask.
(I do 4 twice; just before standing up and waddling to the gate, and when standing at the gate before jumping)
Hey; we're all different. As long as there's multiple layers of checking problems get caught.