Satisfying Curiosity...But Killed the Cat
There fixed that too

NO curiosity is no way close enough a reason to consider this tat let alone to shell out and buy it.
You dont have to enact curiosity in order to be informed of the low hydraulic burst pressure for the shell
You dont need curiosity to know the design life pressure cycles are too low for comfort
You dont need curiosity to know the vessel design code is some junked up China special export code
You dont need curiosity to know if the shell fails safe on corroision by leaking or by catastrophic failure
when parts start flying about the place
- Isn't THAT enough of a reason to discard this item as cheap tat from China. Discuss that on the forum?
- There are no fun points in discussing an avocated risk.
Used to be know as a Chinese copy. In other words inferior tat1. Surprising comparisons to the old systems
2. Breathing Air Test Results... Once I set these filters up, I plan to get the air tested. Anybody interested in that?
Why? shouldnt the manufacturer have done that for you if it was fit for purpose
3. Aluminum Filter Tube Life... Most compressor companies recommend replacing aluminum tube filters after so much use. Are these of comparable life?
No for the reason I gave earlier.
Now if you have an accurate OD and ID and length for the shell and end plugs lengths together with a PMI hit of the shell and a Vickers, Rockwell or Brinell hardness number in the top edge you can get a rough idea of the predicted MTBF but the threads will rot out the soft aluminium well before that and the poor anodizing will rot out the shell seal area.
I hope not, no cat has been killed yet4. More?