Charlotte, NC Area Beginning Scuba Diver Needs Advice

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All my life I have wanted to become a scuba diver, I am now going to take the plunge. I need advice about two things, please. The first, who can recommend which scuba shop I should use to get certified with in the Charlotte, NC area. I was really impressed with this one shop and the owner, he really seemed to know his stuff and is very passionate about scuba diving. However, I was warned that he might not be the most respectable to associate with because he made a bad choice years ago. Would someone please give me advice? The second question, when I decide to do something, I do a lot of research before I make a decision. This question is in regards to regulators. From my research I feel like the Atomic Aquatics is the best on the market, or is it just hype? I was told that yes is a nice regulator, but I have to think about the places I will be diving. Because if I need it serviced, some shops will not work on it or may not be capable of working on it, please advise, thank you very much.
I would like recommendations as well. thanks!
I got certified for open water and advanced open water with Lake Norman Scuba in Mooresville. Try are a great open water shop and I certainly will take my kids there once they are old enough as long as the owner is still there. He is a super nice guy and is great with kids. I had a great experience with them.

I too research a lot and tend to buy online. The reason why is that the gear is rather expensive at Lake Norman Scuba. I tend to find that there is a 200% markup on just about everything. This is why I don't buy much from them however their classes are well worth the few extra dollars compared to the rest of the local dive shops.

I have not done any training with them but am a member of the foothill divers which originate from Aquatic Pleasures dive shop. Calvin the owner is awesome and his wife Teresa are incredible to work with. They have multiple trips a year and are much more reasonable with gear prices.

You should look into the PDRA quarry membership if you are serious about "taking the plunge" because if you are going to be a good diver you should do it regularly. Water is a bit cold at the bottom but its the best place around here to maintain skills and enjoy a dive in the midst of winter (dry suit necessary IMO).

Good luck and let us know which one you chose.
Can't help with your dive center selection, as I have no experience in your area - but experiences vary depending on the instructor, and it depends on whether the instructor is tied to a store or not (e.g. PADI instructors don't have to be tied with a store, but SSI instructors do etc...).

Regulator selection is a bit of a personal thing (also depends on where you'll use it - cold, depth, breathability), and many folks get hooked to a particular brand without ever trying much else. I tend to favor Scubapro, but Atomics are an excellent choice, as would Apeks, Poseidon and many others... Most of the plastic on regulators is made in China, but I'd try to make sure the machining and metal parts are produced somewhere a little more dependable for quality (USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Sweden...).
My wife and I both got certified last year at open water adventures, it is in north Charlotte by the speedway. We both loved it, in fact my 3 year old takes swim class there as well. They also do many trips a year so you can have a chance to use all that gear. Like all local shops their prices are elevated compared to the online retailers but that is to be expected, however when buying a most of your gear at once their package pricing is very competitive. Another bonus to buying from them is that you can exchange your gear out free of charge if you decide the fit or feel is not right. I know this from personal experience too, I used one pair of fins for the majority of my cert class, and noticed my feet were hurting, mentioned to the owner and he immediately changed them to another set, no questions. PM if you have any specific questions. Good luck.

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