Central or North Jersey shore dives in April?

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Scuba Instructor
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North Florida - Marianna area
# of dives
We're going to be in Jersey for a wedding in April and want to do some diving. Unfortunately, the wedding is on a Saturday and then we have to drive the bride and groom to the airport on Sunday for their honeymoon so we can only dive during the week. That leaves us with some shore dives. We're looking at April 13th or 14th as possible dive days right now. Anyone interested and able to join us. We've done shore diving before but not in Jersey, so we're hoping someone can introduce us to a site or two. I've got the NJ Beach Diver book but it's not the same as going with someone who's been there already.

BTW, even if you're not available, any advice on Jersey shore diving will be very welcome. Thanks.

Well be prepared for cold cold water. I don't see the temps being above 45* by then.

A nice spot to hit is the trainbridge in Point Pleasent. It's shallow, only about 25 feet, and impossible to get lost. I'm sure someone will be able to help you with directions.

Water here is currently aroung 38deg and I agree with Jonny as it won't be much warmer by then. However, you might want to look at the New Jersey Scuba Diver's board. http://www.njscuba.net/ They have the up to date conditions and loads of info. If you have any additional questions, try to contact Mo as she is a library of NJ diving knowledge.

One of the places I like is off the shore at Sandy Hook. Have to check in with the rangers first though. Be sure to check on the currents as they can be dangerous there. Water is too cold for me right now, but if you enjoy that have loads of fun.

Dive Smart; Dive Safe
Enjoy the ride
Well be prepared for cold cold water. I don't see the temps being above 45* by then.

A nice spot to hit is the trainbridge in Point Pleasent. It's shallow, only about 25 feet, and impossible to get lost. I'm sure someone will be able to help you with directions.

We dive dry, so 45 will be tolerable. We checked the train bridge out when we were there in December and were thinking about hitting it first just to get acclimated. Another spot we checked out was Shark River Inlet. But there were a lot of people fishing there and I'm guessing it will probably be worse next month. I don't think they would appreciate me having to cut their line. :wink:

One of the places I like is off the shore at Sandy Hook. Have to check in with the rangers first though. Be sure to check on the currents as they can be dangerous there. Water is too cold for me right now, but if you enjoy that have loads of fun.

Thanks for the info. I'll look up Sandy Hook on njscuba.
Thanks for the info. I'll look up Sandy Hook on njscuba.
look up dual wrecks while you're on there.
a few of us have been trying to get there, but have been repeatedly blown out.
we might be up for trying again towards the end of april.
look up dual wrecks while you're on there.
a few of us have been trying to get there, but have been repeatedly blown out.
we might be up for trying again towards the end of april.
Did they ever re-open the access to those wrecks. I dove the site years back but due to the popularity and messey crowds, the monistery or retreat house closed the access to all.

look up dual wrecks while you're on there.
a few of us have been trying to get there, but have been repeatedly blown out.
we might be up for trying again towards the end of april.

I read about dual wrecks in NJ Beach Diver. Is it always that rough at that site or is the wreckage just difficult to find before the tide changes?

Did they ever re-open the access to those wrecks. I dove the site years back but due to the popularity and messey crowds, the monistery or retreat house closed the access to all.

What did they do? Did they fence it off or do they just keep a closer eye on it? It might be worth a try. It looked like a decent site in the book.
Did they ever re-open the access to those wrecks. I dove the site years back but due to the popularity and messey crowds, the monistery or retreat house closed the access to all.

i forgot to mention...
the tune to mission impossible might be running through your head,
as we cross the parking lot to the condo next to the retreat.

believe it or not, i am working on a way to find legitimate access.
reliable sources tell me that there is a public access way that has been
illegally fenced off. i think after a little research trip to the long branch
tax assessors office, i might have enough documentation to justify
driving my jeep through it.

we also kicked around the idea of a club beach clean up at the retreat,
with the possibility of granting club members future access through their lot.
maybe an earth day dive in party.
I read about dual wrecks in NJ Beach Diver. Is it always that rough at that site or is the wreckage just difficult to find before the tide changes?
It's been rough every time we were there. Too many smiling surfers.
You are right, it needs to be planned at high tide slack.
During a quarter moon might also help.

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