The BP could maybe work, but I didn't think about being head heavy at the moment I purchased the unit and made the BP vs MOD1 deal. So I never dove the JJ backplate and the only BPs I have are halcyons and 1 6mm agir which only has 1 set of holes. But good suggestion and worth a look.You could use the original jj backplate. It's possible to change the height of the JJ relative to backplate. (That's not possible with a halcyon backplate with 2 holes for mounting tanks. The JJ backplate has 3 pairs of holes for mounting the JJ).
I don't know what kind of first stages you are using. Maybe you could use first stages for the doubles with less weight.
I did try different 1st stages to be honest, switching between SP MK25s and MK17s more for the hoserouting than for weight, don't think there is much difference between those to make a big difference underwater... but they are at the end of the set so a small difference could make a difference. Didn't notice it though...
At the moment happy with the 8,5 L setup, it's slightly heavier (3Kg more) on an already heavy unit, but I'm not walking 500m/1km with the unit anymore like in "de schelde" ;-)