The link below has details from the Clearly Cayman Resorts about their reopening schedule and it includes Covid info for travelers.
They state that they will offer rapid tests at their resorts for the convenience of travelers. They don't say how much it will cost per test, but the Reef Divers East Bay Resort in the T&Cs offers a rapid test to visitors free-of-charge for their trip home.
The schedule says that Cobalt Coast will be the last resort to reopen in February. I remember hearing that CC had been designated as a "quarantine hotels" on Grand Cayman.
A few months ago Reef Divers sent boats, staff, and materials over to South Caicos to supply the new resort so they must be scrambling right now to get their Cayman properties ready to re-open.
They state that they will offer rapid tests at their resorts for the convenience of travelers. They don't say how much it will cost per test, but the Reef Divers East Bay Resort in the T&Cs offers a rapid test to visitors free-of-charge for their trip home.
The schedule says that Cobalt Coast will be the last resort to reopen in February. I remember hearing that CC had been designated as a "quarantine hotels" on Grand Cayman.
A few months ago Reef Divers sent boats, staff, and materials over to South Caicos to supply the new resort so they must be scrambling right now to get their Cayman properties ready to re-open.
Clearly Cayman Coronavirus Update | Cobalt Coast
There is no higher priority for Clearly Cayman Dive Resorts than the safety of our guests – both in the water and on land.