Caught my first lobster!

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Scuba Instructor
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Even though I have the sunburn from hell from being out on the boat yesterday, I am proud to announce that I caught my first lobster yesterday in Pompano, Fl.

It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, but then again, this bug was half way out of a very small hole, waving for me to come over. I could have sworn I heard him say, "Hey you, I'm over here".

I'd like to thank those that made this possible for me. Charlie at Spruce Creek Scuba in Port Orange for filling my tanks, My friend Ann for letting me crash at her place, my friend Randy for allowing me to dive off his boat, and to the Florida Fish and Game Comm for renewing my lobster permit.
Isn't the rule that you have to send him to the second person who responds to your post?:D

Oh well, can't hurt to try :rolleyes:

Enjoy the meal.

Wendy, big,how deep,were there more?We had a weak showing in Jax,but it beats work.P.S. a strategically stabbed fork will often deter even the most voracious of "poachers"
I caught him in about 50' of water out near Pompano, maybe 2 miles south of Commercial Pier. He was just past the legal size. The first one I saw was bigger, but had eggs. One of my friends caught his limit and had some good sized ones in there.
We had a terrible season here,I only caught 3 in 2 days.1@ 7lbs 1@ lbs and 1@ 2 lbs.We saw a lot of berried females,but very few legal.We leave for the Keys Wednsday,maybe we'll have better luck there.

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