Call me crazy but Catalina diving and SoCal Channel Islands diving for me is best during February and March when it's in deep winter and seguing to early spring. Temperature is nice and cold. Sea condition is nice and flat. Everything is green and lush.
Except that is often the peak time for the Sargassum and visibility begins to deteriorate when it does. Winter used to be the best time for visibility due to shorter daylength and less plankton, but the arrival of the Sargassum altered that a bit.
---------- Post added November 11th, 2014 at 08:27 AM ----------
The wacky Sargassum is 2 to 3 feet tall, glowing gold in the autumnal sun, swaying in the surge... And mesmerizing.
While the Sargassum has a beauty of its own... all I can think of when I see monocultures of it growing here is the terrible ecological impact it has and the drastically reduced biodiversity it brings. Looked at from just an aesthetic perspective it does have a certainly beauty, but I'm not a "skin deep" kind of person (and neither are you Claudette!).