Carrying weights on 80 cuf aluminum tanks?

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I've been curious about the new Stealth wing myself. It might be better suited to carrying multiple tanks.

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I don't but I am really only diving AL80s I saltwater as CCR bailout (they are sidemounted). If I am actually using them in this case and the tail(s) ride up I don't care (really I don't) since I am going home as soon as I can (which is up)

You need a lot of lead to hold a near empty AL80 level in salt water. If I am diving SM in warmer waters with no gloves I just front clip it to keep it in trim. In cold water with dry gloves (and the dreaded dry glove rings) I use steel tanks which basically avoids the whole problem - at least for hp100 worthingtons and PSTs. I would avoid faber lp steels in this situation if I could since those tails will ride up.

Putting lead on the tanks makes handling them off a boat a real pain in the butt, especially with dry gloves.
I am an open water sidemount diver who primary dives 50 degree-ish freshwater in a drysuit. I put 3 or 4 pounds on AL 80s. I don't like the floating up and hindering my reach to my dump valve (and I am always looking for ways to add weight so I can add more air to keep warm! :)). I have tried placing the inflator hose where the dump valve to address this issue is but I like the hose over the shoulder better. I sidemount with either a Hog 32 wing or a Oxycheq Recon II. If I needed to "gun" the tanks as cave divers or wreck divers do, then I probably wouldn't weight the tanks (nor would I be using such bulky rigs).


I put 2# on each tank but after 1Kpsi they creep up still, have to re-clip them to lower their butts.

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