Question - Just how much experience do you have obtaining a stay of a Federal District Court’s injunction? Because if you can get it stayed in 10 minutes after it’s entry, you are either the world’s best lawyer or you have a wizard’s wand worthy of Harry Potter.
How long it would actually take depends entirely upon which Circuit Court of Appeals Carnival would have to go to, and what 3-judge panel it drew. Still, just because of the procedural steps that Carnival would be required to take, FIRST seeking a stay of the injunction from the District Court, getting that request denied, THEN filing the appeal in the Circuit Court, waiting for the Clerk to assign the case to a panel (which the Clerk typically won’t do until the opposing side has an opportunity to file a response), getting the panel to hear the case and decide, etc., getting the injunction stayed in less than 2 weeks would probably take a miracle. More likely is AT LEAST 30 days or more. And that could really hurt Carnival, both in lack of bookings, required refunds to already booked passengers, and loss of goodwill.