I notice that a lot of Scubaboarders stay at the Caribe Blue. I must be honest and confess that I had not heard much about this place prior to the last 3 or 4 months. All the reviews I have read on it give very high marks for cleanliness, (very important to wife/non-diver at this point in life). How would it compare to Coral Princess other than the obvious size? How does it compare to other places where you have stayed?
I may be down towards the end of January and most of the resorts we have stayed at will not be open yet. I did see some resent pictures and it appears to have been quite devastated, with cleanup continuing. Thanks for any help! kuip
I may be down towards the end of January and most of the resorts we have stayed at will not be open yet. I did see some resent pictures and it appears to have been quite devastated, with cleanup continuing. Thanks for any help! kuip