What is considered the launching ramp? That little sandy/dirt area leading into the water right off 6A? I'd like to try it this year. Maybe I'll find the UFO.
I've always thought about Snake Pond for a dive if STB sucks. Like to dive that this year, too.
OK, on the 6A side of the scargo lake near the Red Pheasant
resturant, there is an official state launch ramp. There is a nice
wooden platform on land which is great for setting up gear only
a couple feet from the water.Other locations are princess beach
off Scargo Hill road ( a walk down stairs to get to the water),
and another beach on the north east side of the lake off (6A)
which the parking is at water level and only a few steps from
the parking lot. Send me an email (ccnightsail@netzero.net)
if you do go. Note: I am wet suit only right now, so the
water has to be 45 + deg for me to be happy.