Can't post Dive Dry columns properly

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The Lorax for the Kelp Forest
Scuba Legend
Rest in Peace
Reaction score
Santa Catalina Island, CA
# of dives
2500 - 4999
I went to post my latest "Dive Dry with Dr. Bill" column a few minutes ago and the post new thread screen was totally different from all the other two billion times I've posted my column here. There was no option to boldface or italicize text, nor to insert an image into my post. All the formatting of the original text was screwed up... no paragraph breaks. I used the exact same word processing software I've always used successfully in the past. I also tried posting some new pix in another thread and there was no option to upload them. What gives?
Hi Dr Bill.

To help you out... I need a few more details.

What web browser are you using? (Firefox, chrome, IE, etc) - What version of the browser are you using?
What operating system are you using?

Also, are you talking about posting an article or a forum post?
Howard... I'm using Firefox 17.0.1 (recently updated) on a Win XP (SP 2) system. The problem first surfaced this morning when I was trying to post my latest Dive Dry column in the SoCal forum. There were no buttons for text stylizing (bold/italic/underline) or for embedding or uploading photos period. The screen looked quite different from the usual screen I have seen in the past when posting my Dive Dry columns. Then just now I tried posting a reply in the thread on the missing diver on the Yukon and it also removed the paragraph breaks that were in my post when I wrote it. Very strange... don't remember ever having this happen before.

---------- Post added December 4th, 2012 at 09:06 PM ----------

It just removed the paragraph breaks from the above post too!!!!
Try a different browser if you can. I don't have any machines at my disposal that have Win XP (SP2) on them to mess around with.

Clearly - this is a browser/OS compatibility issue... Version 17 is quite new, only released officially on Nov 20. XP SP2 is old, as I'm sure you know, as Windows XP has SP3.

The buttons and formatting options are still there in every browser I've tried on this Win 7 machine (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari). I also tried using FF Ver 17 on the XP SP3 machine, and had no issue with the buttons... so again, first... Try using Chrome, and see if that restores the buttons.

You could also try going here -> and down - second from the bottom is this "Miscellaneous Options" try changing your setting to "Basic Editor - A simple text box" or Standard Editor - Extra formatting controls

The WYSIWYG editor box does use Java, so also make sure your Java is updated to the latest build.

I have made no changes whatsoever to SB over the past month, so there is absolutely no reason that something would stop working for a single user (or even potentially a small handful of users) without some external cause.
Thanks, Howard. Java may be the problem.
So is it working now?

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