Can you comfortably bring your knee up to your chest in your drysuit?

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Oak Park, Calif.
Just came upon a new Diving Concepts Ultra Flex Pro. Nice material, well made, very durable seals. BUT... I don't get where they got the name. It is very difficult to bring my foot up or my knee to my chest due to the lack of flex in the material used.

I am just curious how many suits out there have the similar problem.

I have had the Moby's Twin shell, and that was very flexible.

I will also be getting hold of a Bare Nex Gen soon... anyone own one of those who can vouch for its "flexibility"?

Thanks to anyone who takes time to post a reply.

I will have to give the Diving Concepts Ultra Flex Pro..... a (2) thumbs down. :( Getting out of the boots was a pain as well, do to the lack of flex.
Originally posted by wetman
I guess the question is: can i do it without the suit on first? If i could do it with the suit on... that would be one impressive suit cause it aint happen' even with shorts on for this boy...


I'm with Wetman on this one...

I have a Viking that is very flexible to do the stuff I do underwater. I can move my arms back to reach the tank valves and bend my knees to practice my frog kicks. But I haven't ever had the need to bring my feet, or even my knees to my chest... and like wetman said, it isn't happening for me in shorts either

i cant get me knee up to my chest with out a struggle my dry suit is made by a company called pro tec in england in every area the suit is great but i have the same problem the flex in the dry which really wicks u off some times.
I just want to be able to easily remove my own fins.

You guys crack me up...
I thought all divers had a six pack tum...What YOU don't?? :eek:
I got a six pack! Only when I'm carrying Corona and lime to the beach!!=-)
I'm currently diving a BARE next gen.

It's a rental, until my CD4 arrives. It's a very dry suit (natch!) with strong seams and good seals. Seems to take all the punishment I dish out. HOWEVER, I find the cut leaves a bit to be desired. I feel like I'm diving in a giant sausage casing.

Flexibility wise, well, there is none, and I don't expect any. The next gen comes with neoprene socks instead of boots, and they supply a "trek boot" to go over it, a la dui rock boots. I don't like them, too much fiddling when lacing up.

Great shell suit for entry level or on-a-budget. Cut too much like a gingerbread man for me.

just my 0.02

I just looked at a Nex Gen... they do look like a bag. I expected them to have a bit different material. There appears to be no flex to the material at all. My thoughts exactly.... looked like you would be diving in a glad bag. Considering that you can pick up dry suits in the $500 range these days (thank you Ebay), and a custom made suit to order for sub $1000.... the Nex Gen is not too appealing.

I'll be checking out a DUI CLX450 tomorrow.

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