Solved: Can you add a frown/unhappy face option to “like”

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Is it possible to add a frown or unhappy :( face to the choices under “like?” Sometimes I want to acknowledge a post but if it is about something that is not good (coral disease in Bonaire) it seems wrong to “like” it. And the other choices work even less well.
I’m sure I’m not thinking of every possible interpretation of the word, but using Sorrow for the tool tip might be an option.
I think that at this point @uncfnp needs to weigh in as to her original intent, and whether any of these options come close to what she wants to convey. Then, we can be true SBers and hash it out some more!...or not...
All kidding aside, I believe we’re coming close to something that will be very useful. I think we’ve all responded, at some point, with a Like simply because it was the best option available, though not really a great option. So, thank you @uncfnp for taking the first step to remedying this situation.

I’m sure I’m not thinking of every possible interpretation of the word, but using Sorrow for the tool tip might be an option.

After sleeping on it, I'm can't anticipate how "Sorrow" can be misunderstood or misused. It seems well suited in forums like Passings or Accidents & Incidents.

IMO, Sorrow is definitely better than "Sad", which is a default on xenForo 2.x (the software ScubaBoard runs on). Here is the graphic that xenForo uses for the Sad Reaction:


Can the tooltip be "I'm sad"? Does it have to be just one word?

If I remember correctly, there is no programmatic restriction on the use of spaces. I'm pretty sure we experimented with a pretty long-winded Tooltip.
Also, remember to up or downvote this suggestion to help us gauge the interest.
I learned something new today. I didn’t realize there was a vote option. Looks like on my iPad it is to the right and I assume you vote up to agree and down to disagree?

As to the choice of tooltip (another new term for me) I don’t feel too strongly on choice and agree that the best choice would be the one least open to misinterpretation. I thought sad since it seems the most obvious and comes up as the emoji when searched but also agree that sorrow would be hard to misunderstand.

Having said all this, for my purpose, I still go with sad. I think it would be more useful. It certainly still works for posts about injuries and death but is prehaps more appropriate than sorrow for posts that simply provide info that makes me “sad” but doesn’t rise to the level of sorrow. To me, sorrow is closer to grief and sad more akin to unhappy.

In my previous example, coral disease in Bonaire makes me sad but doesn’t feel quite right to say that it makes me sorrow. (I know that now I am just nitpicking)
I learned something new today. I didn’t realize there was a vote option. Looks like on my iPad it is to the right and I assume you vote up to agree and down to disagree?

True, this is unique to the Suggestion forum. This is what it looks like if you have not voted.

This is what is looks like if you have voted. Note that you can delete or change your vote at any time by clicking on an arrow. Red means you have voted.


Mockup message used for testing.

You cannot vote on your own suggestion so the up and down arrows are grayed out.

As a general guide, we usually look for 25+ vote to make a change like adding a forum. This is a new feature in the September 2021 upgrade (xenForo 2.2).
Dopey lazy stupid symbols

Write a line of explanatory English and it's less likely to be misinterpreted and it's cheap

Take the time to show that you actually care
Father-diver died recently right in the middle of everything his timing was impeccable :like:

Here he is supervising


Checking my work


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm going off to cry now :like:
Perhaps I have a higher opinion about my fellow SB members because I never viewed a "Like" in a thread discussing a tragic accident, loss of life, etc., as anything other than "I appreciate the notification." It would pain me to think anyone on this board could actually like bad news that would be appropriate for this board. I often like @DandyDon posts on accidents and incidents, and I seriously doubt he misunderstands the meaning of my "Like." I also have no objection to using a sad/unhappy emoji.

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