Can we get new rank names?

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make names the are scuba based.

ScubaBoard Veteran 4.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 750
Scuba GOD 5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 4000
And don't forget the other end of the system:

Psuedo member................1 star
Junior moron....................1.5 stars
Full-fledged moron............2 stars
Psuedo moron's member.....2.5 stars

I'm personally very happy about acheiving Junior Moron status today, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who made it possible. :bounce:

Only 24 more posts like this until I'm fully fledged.
I say we let anyone with over 3K posts choose their own status...

"Freak show with a C-card"
"NASCAR Diver"
"Diving Guru"
I say we let anyone with over 3K posts choose their own status...
It was bad enough when you needed 50 posts to get an avatar...
Frankly I think animated avatars are annoying....we should tar, feather and hang everyone who has one :D
As long as you don't throw darts at me while I'm hanging there!
Fine...flaming arrows it is.
not to add more work to you guys but can we get different rank names
right now it seems to be
New Member 1 Star - Minimum Posts: 0
Junior Member 1.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 25
Regular Member 2 Stars - Minimum Posts: 50
Regular Member 2.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 75
Regular Member 3 Stars - Minimum Posts: 100
Regular Member 3.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 250
Senior Member 4 Stars - Minimum Posts: 500
Senior Member 4.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 750
ScubaBoard Veteran 5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 1000

i say we come up with some kick *** names. I think each 1/2 star should be a new name.

so if the admin does not mind can we move this to someplace people will see it and see what names people come up with

"Newbie, May be Back" 1 Star - Minimum Posts: 0
"Said Something / Troller" 1.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 25
"Said Some More / Hookup" 2 Stars - Minimum Posts: 50
"Enjoys Reading their Own Posts" 2.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 75
"Believing Their Own Posts" 3 Stars - Minimum Posts: 100
"Confused about what is Valuable Advice" 3.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 250
"Can't Shut Up" 4 Stars - Minimum Posts: 500
"Won't Shut up" 4.5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 750
"Needs to Dive More and Type Less" 5 Stars - Minimum Posts: 1000

This is interesting, although, I never really thought about people actually posting just for a number. duh..... why waste the time and effort.

But I will say as a newbie, I do glance at the ratings.... but now that I think about it, I don't know why. A veteran might not know squat about diving, just types too much and a new member might be a verified SCUBA GOD! hmmmmmm Food for thought... like I have nothing else to be thinking of.... :54:

Oh wait.... this counts as one more post!!!!! WOW!! I'm on my way!! lol
This is interesting, although, I never really thought about people actually posting just for a number. duh..... why waste the time and effort.

But I will say as a newbie, I do glance at the ratings.... but now that I think about it, I don't know why. A veteran might not know squat about diving, just types too much and a new member might be a verified SCUBA GOD! hmmmmmm Food for thought... like I have nothing else to be thinking of.... :54:

Oh wait.... this counts as one more post!!!!! WOW!! I'm on my way!! lol

Now your catching on Amy. Just because someone has a senior level "status" on the board certainly does not mean you should follow them blindly. Many don't "actually" dive all that much. You certainly can't tell much from posts.
If you use the ********* (brand intentionally blocked) water proof to 200 feet computer with built in high res digital camera and salt-water integrated satellite connection, you can build posts while diving, post your photos and download your dive info from your dive computer all while underwater. (The manufacturer recommends not connecting your dive computer to your ********** computer while underwater.) This resolves the issue of are you a diver or a computer geek, you can be both simultaneously.

Update: The manufacturer has added a READ ME file recommending that you do not connect a power supply to your computer while submerged.

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