Can arm hair cause drysuit wrist leaks

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Reaction score
Seattle, WA
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi all,

I'm taking a drysuit course next week and have one question that didn't seem to be addressed in the padi info.

The hair on my arm goes up to the back of my hands. It definitely extends further than the drysuit seal will go. Do I need to worry about the hair on my arm preventing the wrist seals from making good contact? Do some people with drysuits shave the backs of their wrists?
Provided its not really thick amounts of hair like you get on your head i cant see an issue if the seal is tight and long enough. Latex in particular will mould itself around it easily.

If you resemble a gorilla or something however my opinion may change :)
unless the hair is thick, like a bear hide, don;t worry about it.
...If you resemble a gorilla or something however my opinion may change :)

Yeah but you won't need any of these drysuit polartec stuff ... natural merino wool insulation :D
Luckily, I don't look like a gorilla (at least not as much as some people out there). Thanks for the reassurance, everybody.
If you do find that you leak and option could be to use dry-gloves. I use the SI-Tech glove system. Actually I bought the rings for about $75.00 and then went to my local hardware store and found some plastic coated blue gloves with liners for $5.00. Why pay $150.00 for something you can get for much less. When ever my gloves get ruined I just buy a new pair for $5.00.

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