calling out the BP/w-philes

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I know what the OP is talking about. It has nothing to do the BP/W's though.

I have a BP/W and wouldn't go back but it's not the magical elixir that some would have you believe. It is what it is...back inflate, open in front, a means to shift weight to your back, and a great system of straps/D-rings that my BC didn't have.

This thread is really about a small subset of DIR, let's be real about it. Those whose first suggestion to a fin problem is get a BP/W.
I reccomend that people buy back inflate bouyancy systems...

I dive a (rear-inflate) Zeagle Scout (which is admittedly a bit wimpy for a 7mm top + bottom, but works well with a drysuit).

I like aluminum plates, and if I was traveling, would use kydex or whatnot for even lighter rigs. What do I like about BP/W?

No BS - I have never read this sentiment expressed by a BP/W devotee. I am, however, new to SB.

In short, I cannot find very many reasons to NOT use a BP/W. They don't do anything worse than a poodle jacket, except when you are on the surface. This is diving, not bobbing, so surface performance is basically meaningless imho. A diver in the ocean should carry a lift bag and/or huge SMB so they can use those to help change the way they float if they really care. Therefore, I do reccomend BP/W to people, if they ask. If they don't ask, then no skin off my back.

I agree with you perfectly.

Getting back to the original question, I think the reason people push them is because they work, and it's rare to find a store that will try and sell you one. My local store is fine, they'll even get close to internet prices if you push, but I cringe when they start pushing equipment on new divers. I own >$1000 worth of gear I never dive because when I started and didn't know any better, I listened to what my instructor and the store in question suggested.

A lot of newer divers end up with a lot of equipment that they end up replacing, and I think having gone through that people want to help other people avoid it.

Personally I think there is a lot to be said for BP/W, I dive one, and if someone asks I'd suggest they try one. My GF hates them, but she dives infrequently.

Having said all that it could just as easily be people trying to justify there own purchases, there's a lot of that on the internet. :p
This thread is really about...those whose first suggestion to a fin problem is get a BP/W.


Yes, I know math. Times ten to the power of ten, factorial.
Isn't that always the case? In fact, that's kind of what makes trolling tick. For the record, I don't care either way, I can just empathize with those who took issue with the tone of the OP. These threads are gas for the SB engine.

Don't tell anyone, but I work for SB! [I don't]

You are welcome to take issue with my tone - it is pent up frustration from hearing that BP/W is the one solution to everything.

Let us be perfectly clear - I believe that BP/W is very likely a great solution for many divers. But please - show some discipline! If someone is asking about how to equalize pressure in their ears, don't suggest BP/W. Please?
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I had quite a few dives under my belt when I first tried a BP/W. This was a dive with Gratefuldiver as he had an extra BP of the type I was thinking about getting.

Once in the water my trim was no different than it had been. It was good before and it was no different with a BP.

The difference that I noticed immediately was that I felt like I had very little on. My BC was a jacket style. The main reason I got one other than being able to take more weight off my back (a good thing in the PNW) is that I always hated the straps/cummerbund design of BC's.

I saw people being able to tuck their backup lights away on their shoulder straps and attaching dive knives to their waist belt and not having dangling adjustable shoulder straps or useless chest straps. I liked the hip D-ring for spg attachment as well. These were all things available on a BP that weren't available on my BC.

I also liked the crotch strap since it kept the tank from riding up at the surface. Overall, it just seemed like a much better design.

Nothing more or less.

My pet peeve used to be those who were against bailout bottles but who had an opinion on the right way to use one!
But please - show some discipline! If someone is asking about how to equalize pressure in their ears, don't suggest BP/W. Please?

Huh? Who made this suggestion, and what was their rationale?
I actually prefer jacket BCs but BP/Ws look cooler, so I put up with it being uncomfortable. Same with my jet fins with spring straps. Ouch!
To lump everyone who dives and LOVES their bp-w into a group of anti-jacket bcd lynch mob isn't quite fair. To be sure, we do have those in our bp-w circle who feel it's their mission to convert all the non-believers. But it's not like we sit around, pointing and laughing, :rofl3: at folks rocking their jackets :eyebrow:

but seriously, just dive whatever you want to dive. who cares what other folks think?:idk:
but seriously, just dive whatever you want to dive. who cares what other folks think?:idk:

That's pretty much it. If someone thinks your gear is dumb, big deal. If you like it go nuts. Don't worry about the haters.

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