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Another Firefox exclusive user!
I haven't noticed any glitches so far. I've been using firefox for ages, much longer than I've been visiting this site. Everything looks good here. :)
Please check RSS use. I'm having a difficult time setting up SB RSS with the Wizz RSS 2.1.6 plug-in. Just doesn't like the url or something. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong here because I know that the issue is not with Firefox 2.0.

Those of you who are IE users, it's time to switch. The best part for new Firefox users will be the Tabbed browsing. Instead of having 6 IE windows open, you have one Firefox window with 6 tabs. Firefox is not perfect, it's just far superior to IE in my opinion.
I'm a sysadmin and I recommend to all of my users to use FireFox. Much safer than using IE. I tried to install IE7 but it broke our SonicWall interface, some things with our Goldmine program, and generally made my computer perform like crap. So I uninstalled and put in the following registry key to prevent MS from automatically updating it.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\7.0]

Change the dword to all 0's to allow it install again.

NOTE: I highly recommend you check for validity any registry key anyone on the internet tells you to use, that includes ME. Also, if you are not familiar with mucking with your registry, DON'T.
Please check RSS use. I'm having a difficult time setting up SB RSS with the Wizz RSS 2.1.6 plug-in. Just doesn't like the url or something. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong here because I know that the issue is not with Firefox 2.0.

The issue is that RSS on SB isn't currently working, most likely. There's a couple other threads about it.
Here's the only glitch(?) I've noticed so far: If I log out, then some of the screens become too long and I have to scroll sideways to see everything. For example, if I go to 'General questions' while logged in then everything looks fine and the thread titles are wrapped so that everything fits on my screen. However, if I happen to be logged out and I go to 'General questions,' then the thread titles are not wrapped and I have to scroll to the right to see the rest of the info. I use firefox almost exclusively.

Same here. I had not noticed the 'widening' was Firefox related since I pretty much just fox around too.
No problems with FF 2.0. except that I can't open any attachments. I get a blank tab everytime. I hadn't noticed this until just now.

Also, when I upgrade to 2.0 it wouldn't install the Scubaboard searchplugin so I lost that function. Does anybody have a new one that is 2.0 compatible?
well, I'm using the as well...and though I'm happy that you guys can browse my gallery...I can't unless I do it like I said...(c8

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