C. Texas Down Under Dive Club Underwater Can Harvest

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I received an e-mail from Dixie Harrison with the Central Texas Down Under Dive Club today, inviting my dive club (i.e., Texas Swamp Divers) to participate in their upcoming underwater can harvest at 1pm, Sept. 21 at Live Oak Ridge Park on Lake Belton. This is apparently being held in conjunction with Project Aware. It's $20 per entrant until Sept. 1, and then $25 thereafter. Does anyone know anything about this or participated in it before? Is this something that might interest you? Your feedback is appreciated.
So their address harvesting must be pretty good!

Other than that - I don't know anything other than that Belton is about 80 miles North, and as such is kinda tempting.
Looks like they've got a grand email harvest going.

My first thought is they want me to pay to come to their location and clean up their mess in their lake? I never did understand where the money was going, just that Project Aware was mentioned.

No thanks. If I'm gonna spend my diving air cleaning up anything it's gonna be a Swampers location. and I can do that for free! :rolleyes:

This is also my stock reason for avoiding the crush at Trash Fest every year!
From the flyer I downloaded, it says it benefits DAN, so I'm guessing it's a fund-raiser for them.

I know approximately where Lake Belton is, but I didn't know there was diving there. It looks like this is organised through ScubaPlus in Temple.
That club used to do it annual "cleanup" at Stillhouse marina, but another dive shop has set up operations there so I guess they had to find a new location. I can only speculate that the marina's on Belton (where the trash and treasures are more plentiful) didn't want any part of this so they ended up at a park. The park is in the main lake and has a boat ramp but caters to RV'er to the point of excluding most other users. I can't imagint there being that much to clean up. I dove the mouth of that cove a couple times last fall and it was pretty clean. I did find the dock they lost in the '91 flood. Visability in that area should run 10+ feet. If they target the spillway area between the park & the north side of the dam, there are some steep slopes and depth to 80 ft. I did find a dozen 25mm cannon rounds there last fall so there is the potential for some interesting finds.

That's my wife birthday, and somehow I think she may have some other plans. She hates diving Belton. Something about poor vis, trees, fishing line and hooks. Go figure!!
awap once bubbled...
I did find a dozen 25mm cannon rounds there last fall so there is the potential for some interesting finds.

Oh, those crazy Fort Hoodlums...LOL :D
ScubaTexan once bubbled...
From the flyer I downloaded, it says it benefits DAN, so I'm guessing it's a fund-raiser for them.
From what little I know about DAN, this is the first I have heard of a "fund raiser" for them. And nothing in Alert Diver that I can recall has ever aluded to the need or request for fund raisers.

I'm all for diving for a worthy cause, but I agree with Dee. Sumthin don't sound right there.
ScubaTexan once bubbled...

Oh, those crazy Fort Hoodlums...LOL :D
Don't forget that plenty of small cannon munitions, grapeshot, and many other things were fired around central texas back in the early-mid 1800's. So it makes sense that some of it is gonna make its way into the lakes and waterways to be found by us divers.
I received one of their unsoliciited email advertisements for this paid event too. Dixie harvested my email address for her spam from the Aquarena Center's email newsletter for their scientific diving program.

I've never heard of the Down Under Dive Club before. As far as I know, Dixie may be the only member. As mentioned above, the attachment to the email claims that the proceeds from the event "will be used to support safe diving in the local area and to support DAN..." but it doesn't go into specifics as to how much of the proceeds goes where or what else the money might be used for.

My cynical nature leads me to assume that any organization that would resort to the disreputable practice of harvesting my email address without my knowledge or permission and using it to send me spam would have no qualms about engaging in other unethical and even dishonest behavior. I do not support spam or spammers (no matter what their "cause") and will not be participating in this event or any other DUDC event for that matter. You can bet that the Scbuaplus dive shop in Temple won't be getting my business either (not that they would have anyway ;-).


Just my 2¢,

I'll give you a whole quarter for that!!! :D And agree with you totally.

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