Buying Used Rental Gear... Any Advice?

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Knoxville, TN
# of dives
100 - 199
So it looks like I am about to buy alot of gear, and after talking with a connection I have at a dive shop in Florida, I think I have decided to buy some of their used rental gear off of them. I was hoping some people could tell me about some of the various things I am getting, and whether you would reccommend them. Basically, he is offering all of this to me for a fantastic deal, but I wanted to hear what the people on here thought before I buy. What he is offering....

Genesis GS2000 reg (1 year old) with octo and a Seaquest Favor (i think) Air Lux computer(only air though). He is going to service it all for me before he sends it, so that will be taken care of too

Seaguest Balance BC (about 2 years old). He mentioned it was a slightly older model, with out much wear, which is fine with me, but it does still have the velcro quick release, which makes me kind of nervous. I see alot of people liked this BC, so I am really interested to hear what people say about this model of it.

Basically this is my first equipment purchase, so I dont need anything incredibly advanced, just a basic setup that will last me a few years. The only thing I am not fond of is the Velcro releases and the air computer. I am about to get my nitrox cert, and from what i understand... I can simply use it as a pressure gauge and dive with tables. He told me also if I want to upgrade it down the road, the shop will give me $100 towards another computer if I turn in the old one. This could easily be an option 6 months from now, but I am halfway debating trying to just get one now and have it.

Thanks for any advice!
With Nitrox computers being so inexpensive (check out ScubaToys prices), there's really no reason I can think of why anyone would buy a used air computer.

If you aren't happy with the velcro release on the BC, why are you thinking of buying it? Is it the type of BC you want (back inflate vs vest?)?? Have you checked ScubaLab's rating of the regs...or better yet, dove with that type before?

Think about what kind of diving you're going to be doing in 5 years and buy your gear accordingly. Saving a few $$ now will simply cost you more later as you replace everything.
So how much does he want for this stuff?

My thoughts are on used regulators are that the new ones come with free parts warranties. Over the next 4 years you could be spending at leat $240 on parts
on a used regulator that you wouldn't have to spend on a new one. So if you're not
saving at least that much off the new one, then I'd think twice about it.

Also rental gear gets abused much more than personally owned gear. Especially gear in a tourist or resort location, such as Florida. But only because gear in a better dive location will be used more throughout the week as opposed to gear from a dive shop in a place like perhaps Knoxville, where rental gear would typically only be used for local weekend rentals and classes.

On the Nitrox issue, since you are about to take the class. After you get the class, most divers still won't do every dive typically on nitrox. You'll still do a lot on air. However, I wouldn't reccoment buying an air only computer. Because sure enough you'll go on some trips where you'll want to buy Nitrox and then you'll be ticked off that you bought a computer than was only air. So then you'll end up spending more money to buy a Nitrox computer. So why spend the money twice on a computer? go So if you'd bought the Nitrox computer in the first place, you would have this issue.

Just my thoughts.... doesn't mean the gear is a bad deal or anything.
I was actually looking more towards getting reviews on the actual equipment from people that have used them, but I understand your concern. As for the BC, I have dove with the same model BC before, and had no trouble with it. I just hear alot of bad reviews about velcro integrated weights, so I was hoping to hear about experiances with this BC. As for the computer, I am really considering upgrading to the nitrox, and you make good argumnets. Right now though, as a college kid, I am low on $$, and have to debate how big a priority dive gear is in the overall scheme of things. The dive shop is actually owned by my sister-in-laws family, so they are working with me to make sure I will be happy with everything. Like I said though, I was really looking for some advice on the particular models. Thanks for the advice though!

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