Deep South Divers
If the HOG regs are "virtual clones" of the Apeks ATX regs, then do the HOG reg second stage kits work for overhauling Apeks second stages? I'm curious about the first stage kits, too. You realize why I'm asking, right?
This could be the best thing that ever happened to Apeks reg DIYers...
Yep, I know EXACTLY why you're asking.

Based on what I've seen, it wouldn't suprise me in the least if the parts kits were interchangable... But I don't know for sure. Contact HOG - the guy's name is Chris. TGreene knows him really well.
I suspect that Edge/HOG is gonna set the regulator world on it's ear by encouraging owners to service their own regs and make both courses and parts kits readily available. What a refreshing change in the market...

I'd love to see someone wrench the industry out of Aqualung's and ScubaPro's grubby, cheating, lying hands.