Bust the Myth! Halcyon is building defective lights

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Lacey, WA
I dive with 6 divers who own 8 Halcyon lights since Jluy or so aof last year. All 8 have been back to Halcyon at least 3 times. Each time it has taken longer to get them returned. Some of them flooded the 1st dive after they were returned to us. They finally replaced them with brand new lights and batteries etc. guaranteed not to leak or fail. 15 to 20 dives later The Pro 6 leaked through the on off switch port and quit working. One of the Helios's has flooded again already also. THEY HAVE A PROBLEM. I own 6 Halcyon back plates and and a slew of their other accessories. I cannot get any satisfaction from this company at all. The dive shop just says "well that's Halcyon, they just don't respond to these kinds of issues" Oh yeah and the power inflaters on my 6 BC's, about a year old on all of them, have each had to have the power inflaters rebuilt at least 3 times this year. I am not a happy camper with Halcyon. Bust the Myth, they are over rated!
I dive with 6 divers who own 8 Halcyon lights since Jluy or so aof last year. All 8 have been back to Halcyon at least 3 times. Each time it has taken longer to get them returned. Some of them flooded the 1st dive after they were returned to us. They finally replaced them with brand new lights and batteries etc. guaranteed not to leak or fail. 15 to 20 dives later The Pro 6 leaked through the on off switch port and quit working. One of the Helios's has flooded again already also. THEY HAVE A PROBLEM. I own 6 Halcyon back plates and and a slew of their other accessories. I cannot get any satisfaction from this company at all. The dive shop just says "well that's Halcyon, they just don't respond to these kinds of issues" Oh yeah and the power inflaters on my 6 BC's, about a year old on all of them, have each had to have the power inflaters rebuilt at least 3 times this year. I am not a happy camper with Halcyon. Bust the Myth, they are over rated!

Are you here to beat on Halcyon? OK. For making such a crappy product in your eyes, you sure seem to own a lot of it. So do all of your dive buddies.

Revolt with your wallet, bro. Stop buying the stuff. How about that? eBay all of the Halcyon gear you have (all 6 plates and whatever other Halcyon Crap you've so eagerly stocked up on) go buy Salvo lights and DSS plates and turn the page.

The internet has no power. You'll change nothing by posting Halcyon Sucks rants. 3 of your 4 posts here to ScubaBoard are all about your beef with Halcyon. Pick up the phone, scream at them and then get out of the brand. The only way to change anything is with your wallet. Stop buying their stuff. Internet posts change nothing.

Or is there another agenda you have? What's the scoop?


A little off topic, but I'm curious. Your profile says you've been diving 2 years. You say you have bought 6 BP/Ws. Six? Why? Do you dive 6 different kits?

Seriously, I just ordered my second wing for a set of doubles, and I've been happy with just one so far. I'm wondering what the advantage is to having six.

BTW, the only Halcyon product I've ever bought was some webbing, and I didn't like it either (too flimsily, and it had a bunch of H's on it).

... go buy Salvo lights....

Yeah, 'cause they're nothing like the Halcyons. :D
Actually, I think you set a record... 4 total posts... all within the last 5 days... 3 of which were Halcyon groans! That's pretty good! I can understand being ticked... given the huge number of problems that you say that you have had... but, wow! Don't be surprised if you get labeled a troll. :wink:

I can't bust the myth, BTW. I have a closet full of H gear and I've been using the stuff for five years. I simply haven't had any problems. Recently I have had some trouble with getting parts for a H manifold... indefinite back order kinda deal... sorta like OMS... and just before that I had a heck of a time finding their weighted STA... a vaporware kinda thing... again, sorta like OMS. But other than that, I don't have any complaints with MY stuff.

Of course, I may have dodged the bullet on their light since I got a Sandroff can. :D
If the stuff is really that bad why in the world did you buy six of them? Makes no sense to me. If I get a bad product of any kind I might give the manufacturer one more chance but six? I'd be called a glutton for punishment. It's like taking an ex-wife back more than once. Oh wait...That's just plain stupid. And yes I'm guilty of doing it with the first one. Took her back twice. Third time was the charm. Bye Bye lady.
First let me say that I'm sorry for your dilemma, next I'd have to say that yes he owns 6 BP/W system.. he's like I am.. an equip-o-phile..

I'm not sure where lights #5,6,7,8 come into play as I only know of four, and who are divers 4,5,6 as I only know of you 3. Are there lights out there that I should know about... ( I know this all because I am the one dealing with this gentleman's lights of which he owns 2, a pro 6 and a helios, then there is one other person that has 2 helios lights unfortunately he know apparently about 4 other lights of which I am unaware)

I don't recall ever saying that Halcyon built crap, or alluding that Halcyon has bad customer service in fact I recall just the opposite, I have always maintained that H has good customer service and have told you that I feel the problems stem from the changes made to the head to idiot proof them. As I told you I think the problems will be worked out and when it does you will have a light that is as trustworthy as the dozens of others out there that I have sold over the years that have zero problems.

I recall that you have most certainly had an unfair amount of problems with your light... would you like you money back?.. if so... I am certain that I can arrange that.. your light has been in 3 times now.. or is it four... C's light went in twice... J.B's first light 3x and his backup 2x.. they are now sending you and JB 18w heads at no charge (which is as it should be) but remember that you didn't have to ask for this upgrade either nor did you have to accept it.. Is there something more they should be doing?.. or that you would like them to do?.. if so let me know, as we will do what ever you wish to be done.

However there is no need to inflate the #'s involved in this saga to gain empathy as the true #'s are certainly embarrassing enough. That being said, you know that you are an important part of our shop and there is nothing we wouldn't do to make you happy M. I am truly disappointed that you felt the need to come on here and vent (though I can kind of understand it) rather then come to me or the owner and voice your discontent..

Apparently we have done something to give you the impression that you are not valued. Nothing could be further from the truth, not only are you a valued customer, but your an important team member and I've come to think of you as a trusted friend.. unfortunately it appears that I have not gained that status with you and in that regard I am truly the one suffering the greater loss.

I will not speak to you in public about this, nor will I bring it to the attention of anyone else.. if you wish to speak with me about it you know my home # or you can just stop by the house or the shop. But as I said I will not approach the subject with you, I will leave that up to you.

Waynne Fowler
After sleeping on this (rather restlessly I might add, as this is the kind of thing I loose sleep over) I come back to re-read my post.. and felt like I gave the impression that I think this gentleman is fabricating some things..

That is not true. I believe him 100%. As far as what has transpired in conversations between the shop and him, I feel we must have gave the wrong impression. How he perceives these conversations have gone is what matters and apparently we left him with the wrong impression, the fault is ours and not his.

I believe him when he says there are 6 divers with 8 lights.. I don't know of the other 4 lights, nor do I know who the other 3 divers are. I am eager to find this out.
I dive with 6 divers who own 8 Halcyon lights since Jluy or so aof last year. All 8 have been back to Halcyon at least 3 times. Each time it has taken longer to get them returned. Some of them flooded the 1st dive after they were returned to us. They finally replaced them with brand new lights and batteries etc. guaranteed not to leak or fail. 15 to 20 dives later The Pro 6 leaked through the on off switch port and quit working. One of the Helios's has flooded again already also. THEY HAVE A PROBLEM. I own 6 Halcyon back plates and and a slew of their other accessories. I cannot get any satisfaction from this company at all. The dive shop just says "well that's Halcyon, they just don't respond to these kinds of issues" Oh yeah and the power inflaters on my 6 BC's, about a year old on all of them, have each had to have the power inflaters rebuilt at least 3 times this year. I am not a happy camper with Halcyon. Bust the Myth, they are over rated!

I think in order to put this in context we need to know who you work for and what your association with (potential) competitors of Halcyon might be. This sounds to me suspiciously like "slander the competition" type "advertising" (if one can use that word to describe this tactic).

As far as I know, Halcyon inflators are more or less universally seen as grade A junk but from what I've heard and seen their lights are ok (albeit a little delicate).

Did you keep your power inflators lubed up? I know you need to with the stainless steel parts. oh, and when will you be selling some of the stuff? :)

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