Bush ok's Gulf of Mexico Drilling

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whatever their effect, for millennia the Earth was able to handle all the volcanos and fires in it

then, in a matter of a few decades COINCIDENTAL WITH MAN'S INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY
it all goes haywire...

doesn't it at least make you go... hmmmmm......?

It makes me go hmmmm. I'm not a global warming alarmist but not in denial either. I just think it's possible there are other factors in play, and that short-term cycles (even a millenium is short term) are often not indicative of long term trends.

For example, do we know for a fact that the earth isn't being warmed by other sources, perhaps an increase in solar heat or increase in heat from the core? All it would take is a degree or two over several millenia, until you reach a trigger point and get a runaway cycle.

Venus became a steamy hellhole and Mars became a frozen desert and I'm pretty sure it wasn't due to man's industrial activity.
Venus became a steamy hellhole and Mars became a frozen desert and I'm pretty sure it wasn't due to man's industrial activity.

neither one of them ever came close to having Earth's water vapor cycle. their problems were different.

as for the rest, the overwhelming concensus of scientists studying this problem is that it is man-made. by now this has been so well established in the scientific community that it is sort of a joke we're still arguing about it
as for the rest, the overwhelming concensus of scientists studying this problem is that it is man-made. by now this has been so well established in the scientific community that it is sort of a joke we're still arguing about it
And the thousands of scientists including climatologists and meteorologists who disagree be damned.

You still haven’t proven that the scientists with different global temperature histories are wrong either or proved that the climate has gone more haywire than the middle ages or the little ice age. What’s a joke is you still have people listening to people like Dr. Mann about temperature change after even his own peers at IPCC have stopped backing him.
And the thousands of scientists including climatologists and meteorologists who disagree be damned.

how many times do we have to debunk this myth?

about 90% of all concerned scientists agree. the myth that there is no meanigful consensus on this is just that, a myth

the minority here is overwhelmingly outmatched ... it's not even funny
is that the new policy on threads? two cleanups and then they get closed?

I don't understand why we just don't have a Political sub-forum on the board.

In fact I'm surprised they haven't deleted this thread for being political like they do the other threads.

Why censor politics out of the threads? just give folks a hole of their own to let them go rant in and it'll be a lot easier.

I mean a thread about how "gas prices are going higher" will eventually turn into politics as to why the gas prices go up. It's a no brainer.
oh no!!!

hey, zap him!

don't zap me!!!! i have nine cats

how many times do we have to debunk this myth?

about 90% of all concerned scientists agree. the myth that there is no meanigful consensus on this is just that, a myth

the minority here is overwhelmingly outmatched ... it's not even funny

Last I heard the scientific community was about evenly split on the causes of global warming. Could you point me in a direction to see where this 90% figure is published, other than "The Convenient Lie" source..........

Conservation is a GREAT thing and needs to be done.....

Our alternative energy sources need to be used to a MUCH greater degree.....

BUT, Scientists, like Doctors, only make educated "guesses". 140 years of Data, based on the age of our earth, I dont think even Deming could get any SPC out of that.........
neither one of them ever came close to having Earth's water vapor cycle. their problems were different.

as for the rest, the overwhelming concensus of scientists studying this problem is that it is man-made. by now this has been so well established in the scientific community that it is sort of a joke we're still arguing about it

"i'm sorry you see this as arguing"

(Sorry, I just had to.) :D

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