Bush ok's Gulf of Mexico Drilling

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No Andy, usually one clean up and then it usually gets closed. This is a great thread, and I would love to see it continue. I am giving ya'll ANOTHER chance.
is that correct? one clean up and then it is closed? that's not what i have seen lately

in fact, Pete has cleaned a thread multiple times and not closed it recently

my understanding is that so long as the thread is within TOS, you can't shut it down just because some people act up.

you discipline the people, not close the thread

could you check with the backroom on this?
Andy, I am not interested in arguing. :wink:
Keep the insults and political rants out and there are no problems. Simple.
i'm sorry you see this as arguing
That'd be a good argument but for the fact that CO2 is provably a greenhouse gas. Ignorance of basic science does not win you this debate.

Are you saying that if we warmed the earth from another source that would not increase CO2 levels?
Andy, I am not interested in arguing. :wink:
Keep the insults and political rants out and there are no problems. Simple.

I think he's just suggesting that a better course of action would be to discipline the offenders rather than punish everyone. When a pitcher throws at a batter the umpire ejects the pitcher from the game, he doesn't declare the game over.:)
i'm sorry you see this as arguing

lmao@andy...what a smart@$$, i luv it. Ha! You know, I think Scuba Jenny can physically kick yo @$$, andy. She may know where u live, so be freaking nice:D (NOT:wink:)

Probabilities DELETED:D...what the hell do I know, right?

Embrace change andy, because it is going to give you a supply of gasoline for your diveboats:wink:

A leak from a production platform usually originates from a flange, that is physically visible on a manned platform (and almost all production platforms are manned). Therefore the leak is a trickle that is quickly detected and repaired. The spill amounts to less than the volume of oil that drips from your car engine on your drive to work. The liklihood of the spill (leak volume) making its way to the ocean are slim, when considering the multiple decks on a platform and the lack of flanges below a certain deck level.

And finally, ANWR is already opened up for drilling and production!!!!! There is just going to be some time lag before the rigs find the optimum place for the production wells and developments:D
You know, I think Scuba Jenny can physically kick yo @$$, andy.

well, duh

tell me something i don't know
Are you saying that if we warmed the earth from another source that would not increase CO2 levels?

No, you were arguing correlation instead of causality and that CO2 emissions could be entirely due to warming. I was not arguing against the idea that warming could cause increased CO2 emissions. In fact, that's part of the problem that as the Earth warms it tends to release more CO2 producing a self-reinforcing cycle. But that doesn't disprove the fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and causes global warming itself. The fact that CO2 is provably a greenhouse gas is enough to falsify your assertion that CO2 rises during periods of warming is merely due to correlation. We know the basic physics of CO2 and we know that without any CO2 at all that the Earth would not be habitable.
on a lighter note:D

Maybe global warming is God's lil way of saying, "Holy $hit! It's getting crowded here in heaven!!! I better make these bloody humans extinct and bring back the dinosaurs. At least when I damn them to hell, they don't talk back and it makes Satan's lil hell pad down there a lil more miserable":D

hey, just a thought.

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