I underweighted myself once to try it out to see it was like, just practicing in the shallows. It was not that easy!
Sometimes I think people say that so they can sell the noobies steel tanks instead of aluminum tanks, because steel tanks are more expensive... The salespeople I have met are always trying to sell me the most expensive gear...because they think I don't know any better... "Here, buy this expensive one, I'll will make diving easy!" seems to be a common theme...
Significantly over-weighting yourself will cause more problems as you will have a good sized air bubble in your BC which will expand and contract with depth changes, changing your buoyancy a lot in shallow water. Under-weighted your BC will be empty and you will be changing your buoyancy with your lung volume, which will work if you aren't too light.
Salesmen are paid to make sales, and some have lower ethical standards than others, regardless of what they are selling. In my experience, what makes diving easy is practice, even if you are using some [-]crap[/-] less than optimal gear, its not a big deal once you get used to it.