Try crossing your feet to ensure your not unknowingly kicking. That aside, I'm leaning towards an equipment, weight, buoyancy, and trim being the primary issue.Whenever I get in the water, boat or shore dive, my body naturally goes horizontal.
Others mentioned the BCD is back-inflate, so you have positive-buoyancy behind you. Next, do you have weights in those front/side pockets? Those weights are negatively buoyant.
This setup will naturally cause you to pivot forward, until the air is up, and weights are down. If you can move some of your weights towards your back, this should help you remain vertical at the surface.
At your current experience level, you definitely want ditchable-weights, so don't move all your weights to the back, just a few.
Unfortunately, there's probably not much you can do to balance out the air-distribution, other than ensuring your harness straps are appropriately snug, or perhaps not COMPLETELY filling your BCD. The important thing is to have enough air on the surface your head is comfortably and safely above the water (and perhaps waves), but if you're not over-weighted, it doesn't have to be completely full.
If there are no pockets in the back, a weight-belt is another ditchable option, and you just put weights in the back of the belt. There are also "trim weight pockets" you can attach to the straps of the scuba-tank, but these are not ditchable.