Building a po2 display

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Thailand and Philippines
I am interested in purchasing a 3 display/3 sensor circuit board from Mark Munroe. Mark's website site is I would like to assemble a finished product similiar to Dave Suttons unit which can be seen at This I would like to use with my Draeger rebreather. The problem is that I live in Thailand and do not trust the local machine shop in the neighborhood. I can purchase the sensors and the circuit board but need help in putting it all together. Can anybody recommend me a place in the U.S.A where I could send this to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

I am interested in purchasing a 3 display/3 sensor circuit board from Mark Munroe. Mark's website site is I would like to assemble a finished product similiar to Dave Suttons unit which can be seen at This I would like to use with my Draeger rebreather. The problem is that I live in Thailand and do not trust the local machine shop in the neighborhood. I can purchase the sensors and the circuit board but need help in putting it all together. Can anybody recommend me a place in the U.S.A where I could send this to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Out of curiosity, why do you need a 3 sensor/display? you could easily use a 2 sensor display and just punch 2 holes in the CL, add two drager P ports, the bag side available from drager and the p port available from oxycheq and do it all without any machine shop being the wiser. For that matter, unless you have converted to CCR you really only need one sensor.
Bruce, aside from the valid point Ron made Oxycheq also sells one and three sensor ppO2 displays made by Hydrospace Engineering. That might be worth looking into as it will eliminate the machine work.

Ron, welcome to the board. Enjoyed your website on several occasions. For some reason neither the pics from the Megalodon nor the KISS teardown load. Would like to see those as I think the pages on the Prism and your own unit are quite good. Very nice and clean rig you have.

My plan is to make the unit CCR. I did see the 3 sensor unit that OXYCHEQ does make and it looks like a good unit. However I would still have to find a way to put the 3 sensors into the bag, who makes a 3 sensor holder that will fit into a Draeger counterlung?

However I would still have to find a way to put the 3 sensors into the bag, who makes a 3 sensor holder that will fit into a Draeger counterlung?
Bruce, afaik nobody makes a 3-cell holder for the Dolphin, probably because in stock form there isn't much need for it. Most Dolphin SCR divers I know use Uwatec's ZO2/Oxy2 combo which has two cells, and/or the Dräger Oxygauge.
That's plenty for the gas variance in SCR mode.

Kim Meineche ( ) converted his Dolphin to a KISS style CCR and uses both a home build single sensor ppO2 display as well as the Oxy2. However there are, or can be problems for the ZO2 when used with a CCR. A paper on Janwillem's website by one of the Dräger people explains that.

As for the HSE 3ppO2 display, Dave Sutton build a tripple sensor holder for the Dräger P-connector. Working with plastics ought to be easier than metals as far as tools and tolerances go. You can always ask Dave for some advice.

Or consider a tripple sensor display like Jetsam builds. Three sensors, three cables going to three displays each with its own battery. That is as safe and as redundant as it gets. You could then just use three of the Dräger P-connector to install the three sensors. If Gordon sells you the display that would be the easiest way. This would also make it very easy to upgrade to a single cell integrated computer (VR2/VR3/HSE) down the road, as Steve did with his Jetsam KISS.


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