I went down to Pompano Beach to dive with some friends in a dive club that I'm in. I had arranged the trip. The plan was to do 2 dives in the afternoon, come back in for fills, and go back out for a twilight dive and a night dive. We were on the Boat Fathoms of Fun (www.scubaexcursion.com). I was the only one that made both trips, but didn't do the night dive (I have a fear of the ocean at night) so I got 3 dives in. Six divers went in the afternoon and 6 for the evening/night trip. We also had 2 private boats go out. The night dive looked cool from the boat. They were in about 50' of water and you could still see the blue glow of the HID's under the water.
I don't know the grand total of bugs caught between the 3 boats, but I caught 4 that were keepable. I'm really getting the hang of this bug hunting stuff. We took all the lobsters and some fish the guys shot to a restaurant at the marina and they cooked our catch. We ended up with 4 platters of lobster! It was great.
Ok so now to the part about GI3. Before I went to the boat for the afternoon trip I went down to the Ft. Lauderdale area to get my tank filled at Brownie's (http://www.browniedive.com/ or www.tankfill.com). So my tank was filling and I was looking around at all the cool stuff I wish I had the money for and in walks George Irvine. He was nice. We talked, he asked where I was diving, etc. His gf, Pina, was there as well. She was also nice. They were picking up some tanks they had gotten filled. So that was an unexpected plus to the day (I'm sure some of you don't think so). I told some of my friends when I got to the boat about it, just because some of them are card carrying strokes (literally...we made stroke c-cards for them). They joked and asked if I kneeled at his feet and kissed his ring. I just told them that I knew I'd be catching some lobsters that day because I had George bless me before my dive.
I don't know the grand total of bugs caught between the 3 boats, but I caught 4 that were keepable. I'm really getting the hang of this bug hunting stuff. We took all the lobsters and some fish the guys shot to a restaurant at the marina and they cooked our catch. We ended up with 4 platters of lobster! It was great.
Ok so now to the part about GI3. Before I went to the boat for the afternoon trip I went down to the Ft. Lauderdale area to get my tank filled at Brownie's (http://www.browniedive.com/ or www.tankfill.com). So my tank was filling and I was looking around at all the cool stuff I wish I had the money for and in walks George Irvine. He was nice. We talked, he asked where I was diving, etc. His gf, Pina, was there as well. She was also nice. They were picking up some tanks they had gotten filled. So that was an unexpected plus to the day (I'm sure some of you don't think so). I told some of my friends when I got to the boat about it, just because some of them are card carrying strokes (literally...we made stroke c-cards for them). They joked and asked if I kneeled at his feet and kissed his ring. I just told them that I knew I'd be catching some lobsters that day because I had George bless me before my dive.